This Destiny 2 Exotic is finally obtainable after Motes of Light fix—if it doesn’t bug out again

The Exotic Khvosotv 7G-0X auto rifle in Destiny 2 takes multiple lengthy steps to obtain. What makes the process even more frustrating is a bug that prevents you from obtaining one last material for this Exotic.

Earlier this week, Bungie disabled the Taken Servitor (also known as the meatball) boss from the Overthrow rotation in Destiny 2 because it wasn’t dropping the Mote of Light if it was the last boss you defeat for the Khvosotv 7G-0X auto rifle. On June 11, the boss was brought back into the rotation, and you can now defeat it to get that last Mote you were missing.

Exotic Khvostov 7G-0X
Is it over? Image via Bungie

If you previously encountered a bug that removed all the Motes of Light from your inventory after defeating the boss, this one should also be fixed. The Exotic Mote should automatically appear once you head into Orbit after defeating the Taken Servitor. Bungie highlighted there isn’t a drop notification on the screen, and the Exotic Mote should simply appear in your inventory as long as you have a free slot.

However, it seems that the re-enabled Taken Servitor still has issues. Players reported the final mote sometimes drops after you kill the boss multiple times or doesn’t drop at all, so it’s something you should keep in mind when heading back to finish the mission.

Aside from the Exotic Mote, make sure you complete any other prerequisites for the Exotic Khvostov, including getting the legendary version of the weapon and collecting eight Visions of the Traveler scattered in The Pale Heart. It’s a lot of running and collecting, but if you are yet to start the Exotic quest, Bungie assures that the aforementioned issues shouldn’t affect you.

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