All armor sets and their locations in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Armor plays a massive role in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn. Not only does it offer unique ways to customize Nor, but also grants powerful abilities and bonuses players can take into combat.

There are five armor sets in Flintlock, each with its own themes and abilities. All of the sets are broken into three pieces: A helmet, a pauldron, and a gauntlet. If you equip at least two items from a set, you gain its set bonus.

Here are all of the armor sets in Flintlock, their abilities, and where to find them.


Dragoon’s Set

Image Name Ability Location
A metal helmet with a red mohawk-like design from Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn. Dragoon’s Helmet Your secondary firearms and grenades deal additional damage. Wanderer’s Rest – Grasslands, reward for completing “To Turn the Tides” side quest
A metal shoulder piece with a red outline from Flintlock. Dragoon’s Pauldron When you trigger a perfect reload with a secondary firearm, you may fire that weapon two times before needing to reload it again. Three Peaks – Rosy Mile
A metal gauntlet with a red outline from Flintlock. Dragoon’s Gauntlet When you throw a grenade, it splits into two. Wanderer’s Rest – Way of the Forebearers
  • Set bonus: After damaging an enemy with an explosion or secondary weapon, you regain 33.3 percent of a black powder charge.

The Dragoon’s Set is for players who like to blow things up or play around with secondary weapons. I only recommend using this set if you’ve upgraded your grenades or secondary weapons, however; there are better sets that offer abilities that assist more with combat than the Dragoon’s Set.

Two out of three pieces in the set are located in Wanderer’s Rest, which is where you’ll meet Johara, who can upgrade your grenades. By this point, you would already have added Luca, who upgrades secondary weapons, to your campsite. This makes the Dragoon’s armor set better for the late game if you’re looking to make the most use of it.

Irregular’s Set

Image Name Ability Location
1721273445 975 All armor sets and their locations in Flintlock The Siege Irregular’s Helmet All damage you receive is increased by 50 percent, but the damage from your melee attacks is increased. Wanderer’s Rest – Exile’s Cradle
A fully gold shoulder armor piece from Flintlock. The Irregular's Pauldron, this armor piece has spiky designs across its plating. Irregular’s Pauldron After killing an enemy, or performing a critical attack, your melee attacks deal +30 stun for 10 seconds. Wanderer’s Rest – Cape Reunion
The Irregular Gauntlets, a golden glove armor piece with spiky metal plating. Irregular’s Gauntlet The reach of your melee attacks is increased by two meters. Three Peaks – The Forging Ground
  • Set bonus: After performing a critical attack, you gain Bloodrage until you take fatal damage or rest.
    • Bloodrage: When you take fatal damage, your health is reduced to one and all enemies within 7.5 meters are knocked back.

The Irregular’s Set in Flintlock is high-risk, high-reward. Its set bonus offers an extra life, which can come in handy when facing tough foes like Dukmar or Rammuha. The skill The Path of Magic, however, also has this same effect.

I wouldn’t recommend equipping the Irregular’s Helmet if you struggle with dodge windows, but the pauldron and gauntlet are powerful pieces to have, especially if you want the set bonus and haven’t yet unlocked The Path of Magic.

Unfortunately for players, you won’t get your hands on the full Irregular’s Set until you’ve reached the game’s second area, Wanderer’s Rest.

Sapper’s Set

Image Name Ability Location
A screenshot from Flintlock of the Sapper's Helmet, a metal helmet with a purple mohawk-like design. Sapper’s Helmet When your black powder charges are full, your primary firearm attacks deal additional damage. Three Peaks – Reward for destroying banners in the Battle Hardened main quest line
A screenshot from Flintlock of the Sapper's Pauldron, a metal shoulder piece with a dorsal fin-like design. Sapper’s Pauldron When you restore a full black powder charge, you create a 4.5-meter shockwave around you that knocks enemies back five meters. Three Peaks – The Workyard
A screenshot from Flintlock showing the Sapper's Gauntlet, a metal glove with a golden sheen. Sapper’s Gauntlet When you attack with Enki, you regain a percentage of a black powder charge. Three peaks – Reward for the Peacekeepers side quest in Pilgrim’s Bend
  • Set bonus: You regain 33.3 percent more black powder whenever you regain black powder.

The Sapper’s armor set is the best set to use for the early game—primarily because it’s found in the game’s starting region, Three Peaks. It’s the first set you’ll find two pieces for, meaning you can unlock this armor set’s synergy bonus prior to any others in the game.

It’s also great for beginners who are still learning the ins and outs of Flintlock. Nor’s pistol and its ability to interrupt Break Attacks have massive roles in combat, and this set plays into this mechanic well by restoring black powder charges and increasing the pistol’s damage when the charges are full.

Sunderer’s Set

Image Name Ability Location
A worn bronze helmet in Flintlock. Blue crystals stick out from the back side. Sunderer’s Helmet You deal additional damage to enemies while they’re attacking. Three Peaks – Mireshard
A shoulder piece from the Sunderer's Set in Flintlock. It's bronze with jagged blue and purple crystals coming from the shoulder. Sunderer’s Pauldron When you dodge an enemy at the last moment, all enemies around you slow down for 1.5 seconds. Wanderer’s Rest – Ravine’s Secret
Bronze gauntlets in Flintlock. Two icy blue shards stick out of the forearm section. Sunderer’s Gauntlet When you dodge an enemy at the last moment, you regain one Black Powder Charge and one Enki Charge. Three Peaks – Whitebridge
  • Set bonus: Your dodges teleport you a short distance making it even easier to dodge enemy attacks.

The Sunderer’s Set is one of my favorites in Flintlock. Not only does it look cool with its icy-blue spikes, its effects and set bonus make dodging and counter-attacking just that much easier. To make the most use of the set, though, you need to properly time your dodges to pull off Perfect Dodges, which only occur if you dodge within a very narrow window right before an enemy’s attack hits you.

Luckily for players, most of the Sunderer’s Set can be obtained even before you’ve left Three Peaks. Both the pauldron and the gauntlet from this armor collection can be found in Three Peaks—one as a reward for freeing Whitebridge, and the other for defeating the Revenant at Mireshard.

Warlock’s Set

Image Name Ability Location
A skull-like helmet with gold and black accents in Flintlock. Warlock’s Helmet When you apply four curses to a single enemy within 10 seconds, you create an explosion that damages all enemies within four meters. Three Peaks – Foglands.
Black and red shoulder armor from Flintlock with gold lines across the design. Warlock’s Pauldron Enemies inflicted with a curse receive damage every two seconds. Wanderer’s Rest – Reward for Johara’s Sapper’s quest, The Family Condition
Warlock's Gauntlets from Flintlock, which have a black base with gold lines across the top. Warlock’s Gauntlet All curses you inflict last 50 percent longer. Wanderer’s Rest – Reward for Jung’s Sapper’s quest, Tempered Bonds
  • Set bonus: When you defeat a cursed enemy, all curses on that enemy are transferred to another enemy within 10 meters.

The Warlock’s Set is useful for players who rely primarily on the Magic tree in the skills menu. These abilities, especially when combined with a Cursed Stone, apply curses to targets that can reduce enemy damage, deal poison damage over time, or lower enemy armor values.

You won’t be able to find all pieces of the Warlock’s Set until later in the game. The Warlock’s Helmet, found in Three Peaks, is the first piece you’ll collect, while the gauntlet and pauldron are rewards for Sapper quests that can only be obtained in Wanderer’s Rest.

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