How to defeat Rammuha in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Rammuha is the first major god you fight in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn, and she can be a bit of a toughie. To beat her, you need excellent parries, upgraded armor and weapons, and a bit of finesse. Here’s how to take down Rammuha in Flintlock.

Rammuha boss fight strategy in Flintlock

Rammuha wears two layers of armor, so your attacks won’t deal much damage at the start of this Flintlock fight. Instead of going for sheer damage, prioritize filling Rammuha’s Priming Gauge and landing critical hits.

After stacking the gauge and critically attacking Rammuha twice, you’ll completely get rid of her armor. From there, it’s a straight shot to her defeat.

The best way to stack the gauge is by perfectly parrying attacks. Rammuha has several Break Attacks that can’t be parried, so be sure to dodge any with a red indicator. If you have the Dodge Attack ability from the Steel tree in the Skills menu, you can counter-attack after a perfectly timed dodge to stack the Priming Gauge.

When you parry Rammuha’s normal attacks, she enters a sequence during which she twirls around and attacks three times, as shown at timestamp 0:35 in the video below. You need to parry all three attacks in the sequence to stagger her. For the first two attacks in the sequence, Rammuha takes a couple of steps in a circle before pulling her sword up behind her head to strike. When you see the sword start swinging towards you, dodge to pull off a parry. The third attack of the sequence, however, is a simple sword attack—no spin involved. Wait until Rammuha takes a step toward you on the third attack to parry.

If you’ve parried properly, Rammuha falls to the ground and you can strike her with your melee weapon to stack a decent chunk of Prime. Repeat this process multiple times to fill Rammuha’s Priming Gauge. When you completely fill the gauge, your next hit will be a critical attack that removes one layer of her armor.

After you remove a layer of armor, Rammuha begins to use new attacks. Your strategy should remain the same, though: Dodge any Break Attacks and parry the rest. Aim to fill up the Priming Gauge through parries to land critical hits.

After you’ve removed all of Rammuha’s armor, your ranged attacks will deal enough damage that it makes sense to start using them.

Rammuha attacks, listed

Here are all of Rammuha’s attacks, how to handle them, and the corresponding timestamp in the video above:

  • A spin-like Break Attack (00:31): Dodge this, either sideways or backwards.
  • A three-strike attack that can be parried (00:34): This attack is one of the most crucial; every time you see Rammuha jump into a spin-kick, get ready to parry. If you miss one of the first two parries, you can still parry another attack in the set to trigger the sequence of attacks that lead into a stagger. This sequence is the easiest to stack Prime, meaning you’ll want to parry it every time you see it.
  • A Break Attack where Rammuha turns herself into a drill and launches across the arena (0:54): If you have the Dodge Attack ability and you dodge right before Rammuha lands a hit, you can counter-attack to build Prime. Rammuha is slow to recover from this attack, so be sure to get a few strikes in before she stands back up.
  • An attack that fires projectiles of light (1:32): After breaking Rammuha’s first layer of armor, she occasionally leaps to the other side of the arena opposite of Nor. The arena darkens, and Rammuha begins summoning orbs of light. This light eventually fires projectiles towards wherever Nor is, but it’s easy to dodge by running out of the way.
  • A kneeling attack into a leap-spin (1:41): Rammuha kneels, quickly slides toward Nor, then spins her blades in a circular attack. After landing the first blow, she leaps into the air and slashes horizontally after landing on the ground. This is Rammuha’s second attack that can be parried, and she only begins using it after you break her first layer of armor. Parrying starts the same three-strike sequence that leads to a stagger.
  • Light-infused strikes with increased range (4:28): After you destroy both layers of Rammuha’s armor, she lashes out with light-infused swords. These strikes have increased range but you can dodge them with enough distance.
Rammuha sits across the arena with a blue background as she summons orbs of light while Nor runs away.
Rammuha’s light projectiles will target wherever Nor is standing. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Tips and tricks to defeating Rammuha in Flintlock

  • Be sure to upgrade your weapons and armor from Baz, Luca, or Jung at one of the many campfire locations around the world. If you need extra Reputation, you can challenge Baz to a match of Sebo as many times as you’d like.
  • If you haven’t done so already, increase your health at the Inaya Shrines around Three Peaks. At this point in the game, there are four for you to collect, found at Mile’s End Barricade, Foglands, Pilgrim’s Bend, and south of the Sulfur Mines.
  • For this fight, I equipped the Raw Cursed Jade, which inflicts the Curse of Suffering every time you attack with Enki. You can find this Cursed Stone in the City of Writ, just before Rammuha’s fight. The Curse of Suffering makes enemies suffer five poison damage every two seconds for each curse inflicted. While it’s not a lot, it’s essentially free damage, and you can use it to chip away at Rammuha’s health while you’re mean-mugging her from across the arena.
  • If worst comes to worst and you’re still struggling to defeat Rammuha, you can always lower the game’s difficulty by venturing into the Accessibility tab of the settings.

Rewards for defeating Rammuha in Flintlock

After defeating Rammuha, a chest spawns in front of the staircase leading to the arena. Interact with it to receive the Imbued Cursed Jade, which is almost identical to the Raw Cursed Jade, except that it doubles the length of the curse.

A screenshot from Flintlock showing the Imbued Curse Jade, a green fragmented rock, and its stats in the inventory screen.
The Imbued Cursed Jade is a powerful Cursed Stone for Enki. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Once you’ve scooped up your winnings and taken a victory lap around Rammuha’s arena, head to the nearest campfire to report to Baz and continue Flintlock’s main quest.

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