All care package weapons in Apex Legends season 22

A powerful supply drop weapon from a care package can make all the difference in a round of Apex Legends.

At the beginning of each Apex season, the development team cycles out the weapons contained within care packages and replaces some of them with new offerings. It’s important to know which weapons are only in care packages so you don’t go looking for something that isn’t currently in the floor loot pool. Starting in season 22, these Red-tier weapons can also spawn in special red Mythic loot bins after round two closes. These loot bins are marked on every surviving player’s map when they spawn.

Care packages have three different spawn periods within a game. Care packages in round one spawn two minutes and 30 seconds before the ring closes, in round two as the ring closes, and in round three as the ring closes.

Each care package contains three items, and the items are rolled randomly, so you could get a weapon or support items like Evo shields, healing items, backpacks, and attachments. Teams with Skrimisher legends can check the highest rarity item of each care package before it falls, and if the item has already been looted by other players.

Apex season 22 care package weapons

Bangalore salutes a fallen Ash with a knife sticking out of her as Mirage and Octane brandish weapons in the background.
The best weapons you can find. Screenshot via Respawn Entertainment
  • Kraber .50-Cal Sniper (permanent care package weapon)
  • Devotion LMG (with Shield Generator hop-up built in)
  • Bocek Bow (Shatter Caps when hip-firing automatically enabled)
  • R-99 (ADS strafe speed buffed and damage fall-off enabled. Weapon receives a damage buff when hitting targets within 11 meters, while damage decreases for targets beyond that range)

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