TFT Artifact Tier List for Set 13

Your items can make or break your comp in TFT, no matter how many traits you line up. Your board won’t survive the endgame without good Artifacts for your tanks and carries. Here’s a tier list of the Set 13 Artifacts so you can find the best ones.

TFT Set 13 Artifact tier list

TFT set 13 artifact tier list with S to D tier.
The best Artifacts in TFT Set 13. Image via Dot Esports

S tier


  • Effect: Doubles the holder’s attack range. Each of their attacks targets a random enemy.

Fishbones can potentially nuke any backline unit, and random targeting lets you proc several attack-based abilities. Put this on someone like Kog’maw or Nocturne and shred any formation.

Spectral Cutlass

  • Effect: At combat start, teleports the holder to the mirrored hex on the enemy’s side of the board. After eight seconds, the holder returns to their original location.

Spectral Cutlass lets you turn any unit into a temporary assassin at the start of the fight, which makes for some crazy targeting potential. You can immediately send over a powerful unit with burst to assassinate backline carries.


  • Effect: Once per combat, after casting an ability, restore 120 mana over five seconds.

Manazane is amazing on any unit that likes casting abilities and has a low mana pool. Non-stop ability procs and burst damage.

Anima Visage

  • Effect: Regenerates 3.5 percent maximum health each second.

Anima Visage provides great health scaling, and most meta comps are currently AP, making it a great defensive tool. Stack it up with Warmogs/Redemption for maximum healing.

Gambler’s Blade

  • Effect: Grant one percent bonus Attack Speed per gold in your bank (up to 30 gold).
    Each attack has a 5  percent chance to drop one gold.

Gambler’s Blade is the best economy item in the game. Put it on your backline carry for both attack speed and gold generation.

Sniper’s Focus

  • Effect: Gain two Attack Range. Gain nine percent Damage Amp against a target for each hex between the holder and the target.

Sniper’s Focus is a good item for any backline carry unit with a wide attack range. It stacks up to a ridiculous 64 percent damage amp.

Rapid Firecannon

  • Effect: Gain +1 Attack Range, increased by one whenever the holder kills an enemy.

Rapid Firecannon has great stats, and the increased reach keeps your carry out of danger. It pairs up well with other ranged carry items. It allows you to access enemy backlines a lot more easily.

A tier

Death’s Defiance

  • Effect: 50 percent of the damage the holder receives is instead dealt over 4 seconds as non-lethal damage.

Death’s Defiance is a solid frontline item that provides more sustain for damage carry units that dive the enemy backline with burst damage.

Gold Collector

  • Effect: Attacks and abilities execute enemies below 12 percent of their maximum health. Executions have a 40 percent chance to drop one gold.

Gold Collector is very good early on as it helps you generate a lot of gold. The 12 percent health execute also comes in clutch during close fights and ramps up your DPS significantly. It does, however, off in the latter half of the game.

Silvermere Dawn

  • Effect: Grants immunity to stuns. The holder’s attacks stun the target for 0.8 seconds. The holder’s attack speed is locked at 0.5.

Silvermere Dawn is great for frontline units that don’t care about attack speed and just want to get their abilities to go off. It is a solid tank/bruiser item, and its stun utility is also useful.

Suspicious Trench Coat

  • Effect: Once per combat at 50 percent Health, the holder splits into three copies of themself, each with 33 percent of their max Health.

Suspicious Trench Coat is ideal for your bruisers who want to cast their abilities as much as possible.

Trickster’s Glass

  • Effect: Summon a clone with 70 percent maximum Health and 30 percent increased maximum Mana. You cannot equip items to the clone.

Trickster’s Glass is a solid frontline item if you have a tank with a good amount of base HP already. Makes your frontline more durable, especially with Anomaly health buffs.

B tier

Blighted Jewel

  • Effect: Dealing magic damage reduces the target’s Magic Resist by 4. If their Magic Resist is 0, this grants the holder 5 Mana instead.

Theoretically, Blighted Jewel is a strong item, but not many units support its usage. However, it can be a tank shredder with the right AP backline setup.

Prowler’s Claw

  • Effect: After killing a target, shed negative effects and dash to the farthest target within four hexes. The next two critical attacks deal 60 percent bonus critical strike damage.

Prowler’s Claw is a good item that lets you burst units in succession if you’re far ahead enough and can even access the back row. However, it puts your unit in dangerous positions that might get them killed instantly.


  • Effect: Combat Start: If there are no adjacent allies, gain 600 Health, 20 percent Attack Damage, and 20 Ability Power.

Hullcrusher is just a solid item if you need to beef up your frontline further or have a unit that scales with health.

Lightshield Crest

  • Effect: Every 3 seconds, Shields the lowest percent Health ally for 70 percent of the holder’s combined Armor and Magic Resist for five seconds.

Lightshield Crest is an alright shielding item that provides a bit of sustain to everyone. However, it has a limited usage window and is heavily dependent on beefed-up Armor and MR stats.

Zhonya’s Paradox

  • Effect: Once per combat at 40 percent Health, become invulnerable and untargetable for 3 seconds.

If your DPS is at 40 percent HP, it’ll go down to 0 percent soon enough. However, Zhonya’s Paradox does allow you to get really cool situational clutches. It just isn’t a game-changer on its own.


  • Effect: Shrinks the holder, granting them increased movement speed and immunity to Chill.

Mittens is a good substitute for Guinsoo’s that can help your frontline carries deal more damage and survive longer. However, it lacks the impact needed to win a game by itself.

Seeker’s Armguard

  • Effect: Takedowns increase the holder’s Armor, Magic Resist, and Ability Power by 15, increased to 20 if they score the kill.

You need Seeker’s Armguard early to make good use of it, and tanks have a hard time getting kills, so it’s only really useful on a handful of early-game mages.

Horizon Focus

  • Effect: Stunning an enemy causes lightning to strike them, dealing 30 percent of their max Health as magic damage.

Horizon Focus is great for units with built-in CC in their kit that can apply it consistently. It can shred through enemy tanks if you can find ways to reliably proc it. Not many carries can use it, but it’s broken on Viktor and Elise.

C tier

Deathfire Grasp

  • Effect: At combat start, blast the current target for 40 percent of their max Health as magic damage. Repeat this every 13 seconds.

The average fight does not last long enough for you to proc Deathfire Grasp more than once.

Luden’s Tempest

  • Effect: 100 percent of overkill damage plus 100 is dealt as magic damage to the three enemies nearest the target.

Feels underwhelming against comps with tanky frontlines. Great for bursting through squishier and grouped-up backlines.

Mogul’s Mail

  • Effect: Grants one Armor, one Magic Resist, and 5 Health when taking damage, stacking up to 35 times. At full stacks, continue gaining one gold every nine seconds.

The Gold generation is negligible, and your tank usually dies before they can stack up all the buffs.

Lich Bane

  • Effect: The holder’s first attack after each ability cast deals 200/270/340/410/480 (scales with stage) bonus magic damage.

It’s good for units that can often cast their abilities, but the damage bonus falls off hard later in the game.

D tier

Unending Despair

  • Effect: Whenever a Shield on the holder breaks, 125 percent of that Shield’s initial value is dealt to the nearest enemy as magic damage.

There are not enough targets, and comps use shields in the current patch to make this item useful.

Innervating Locket

  • Effect: The holder gains 2 percent of their total Mana whenever they’re hit by an attack. Each cast restores 20 percent of the holder’s max Health over 3 seconds.

This feels more like a regular item than an artifact. If you have a beefy frontline unit like Illaoi or Garen, they can benefit from it, but the effect stats are too low to make a difference.

Talisman Of Ascension

  • Effect: After 22 seconds, gain 100 percent max Health, and 120 percent increased damage for the rest of combat.

You can get into a new game with the time this thing takes to cast. Don’t bother.

You might also want to check out our units tier list and the list of all Encounters in Set 13.

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