LoL early Patch 25.S1.3 notes

The year has barely started, and we’re already almost three League of Legends patches into 2025. The first two introduced a number of mechanics and tried to balance them, and by the looks of it, Patch 25.S1.3 will try to do the same again.

You couldn’t be more wrong if you expect Riot Games to take its foot off the pedal. The official patch notes aren’t available yet and will probably drop on Tuesday, Feb. 4. But, as always, courtesy of Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, we know what to expect in the update ahead of schedule.

When does LoL Patch 15.3 release?

Nidalee throwing a spear with a cougar behind her.
The update is swiftly approaching. Image via Riot Games

League patches launch every two weeks. The third update of the year is meant to go live on Wednesday, Feb. 5. The exact hour of the launch remains to be seen, and it will likely stay that way until the patch officially drops. But judging by the previous release times of League updates, we expect Patch 15.3 to arrive at the following times:

  • 3pm CT (NA)
  • 5am GMT (EU West)
  • 3am CET (EU North East)
  • 8am KR (Korea)

What’s in LoL Patch 15.3?

The details regarding LoL Patch 15.3 aren’t fully known. However, Phroxzon has a tradition of shedding more information a day or two after the initial early patch notes drop, so we should know more soon enough.

Support items slammed with a nerf hammer

Deep Terror Thresh league of legends
No more single carry supports? Image via Riot Games

One of the main takeaways from Phroxzon’s initial patch notes is the changes to support items. Or should I say nerfs? The developer has acknowledged that the role has too much carry potential in both solo queue and competitive play.

To combat this, Riot is targeting damaging support items. Their output will be decreased, though, we’ve yet to see by how much. The developer also aims to “increase ADC and Top agency and satisfaction in particular,” but admitted that it “will take a longer time to get right and land.”

Attack faster!

Riot is also surprisingly increasing the attack speed gap up to three. “We don’t want to increase this too high as it makes piloting champions at high attack speed too challenging,” Phroxzon said.

Updates to a couple of Dragon Souls

Dragon Souls are also seeing changes—more specifically, Cloud and Chemtech. Phroxzon pointed out how most players see Cloud as the weakest in the game, but in reality, skilled players can utilize it the most. Cloud Drake will receive nerfs, while Chemtech will get buffs since it’s currently the weakest, according to Riot’s data.

No further changes to Mel

Mel sitting on a chair in Piltover's council.
No more Mel nerfs, for now. Image via Riot Games

The latest League champion, Mel, was released in the previous Patch 25.S1.2. She was too overpowered from the start, prompting the developer to release a hotfix that tuned her down. And it seems that those tweaks are working since Riot doesn’t plan on adding any further balance changes to the Arcane’s character, despite players begging for further nerfs.

“After the hotfix, Mel has mostly stalled her win rate growth…. We don’t feel the need to make further balance adjustments this patch and feel like she’s in a good spot while we observe how players learn her,” Phroxzon said.

All changes in LoL Patch 15.3

Below are all the changes introduced in Patch 25.S1.3 and everything we know about them. We’ll update this list accordingly once more details are known.


kayn league of legends
17 champions are on the tweaking board. Image via Riot Games







Miss Fortune











Systems and items

Attack Speed Cap


Champion Bounties for losing team

Chemtech Soul

Cloud Soul

Domination Keystones

Void Grubs

Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike


zoe holding a book and jumping out of her portal
Swiftplay is also seeing balance changes. Image via Riot Games


Game Pacing Changes






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