Following nerfs released during the 24th season of Apex Legends, Ash has received two sequential changes that have curbed this assassin’s lightning-fast lethality.
At the start of this Apex season, named Takeover, Ash received a mini-rework that changed both her passive ability and the upgrades she chooses throughout a match. Specifically, Ash can now do one mini-dash every five seconds, which allows her to reposition during combat and easily dodge bullets.

Since Ash now has access to an easy and quick movement ability that no other characters can execute, she has easily become one of the most popular characters to play in the entire game. To make matters worse, her upgrades allow her to have an extra dash, making her almost impossible to lock down and take out.
Thankfully, two nerfs have changed how her passive dash mechanic functions. For starters, the cooldown on each dash takes 10 seconds instead of the usual five. Furthermore, the upgrade that increases her number of dashes is now unlocked later in the match, so players can’t immediately snowball with her.
Following the news of this nerf, gamers on Reddit created a thread to dissect the highly contested changes. “Yeah she’s still good, just not totally broken,” one user replied to another gamer on the thread, basically stating that just because an OP character received a nerf, doesn’t mean they are no longer valid in the game’s meta.

Other users are hopeful that the change could apply to all heroes, and make the game feel more like Apex’s predecessor Titanfall. One gamer even suggested giving every character in a game the exact same dash, while still allowing Ash to be the only legend that has access to two. This would certainly even out the playing field, while still allowing Ash to carve her own spot within the game’s landscape
The majority of the controversy surrounding the changes seems to be coming from Pathfinder mains, as these players feel like their favorite robot has to suffer massive cooldowns while Ash can traverse the map with ease. After viewing the nerfs, this user told the developers how they should “give pathfinder some love,” alluding to decreasing his grapple cooldown.
Currently, Pathfinder’s grappling hook takes about 25 to 30 seconds to recharge after you use it. While this ability does allow Pathfinder to cross some serious distance, Ash’s quickly recharging double dashes gave the robot a run for his money. Now that the nerfs have gone through, it looks like Pathfinder mains are finding some joy in watching Ash mains complain about a measly 10-second cooldown.
Even though both changes were quite severe, it seems like the general opinion towards the patch is still positive. On top of the Ash nerfs, this mini update also brings some nerfs to overpowered weapons like the Rampage and L-Star, curbing the damage of both these guns.
Do you think Ash deserved these changes? Let us know in the comments below!