Best The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies cheats

A Sim holding out a peace sign while standing in a tattoo parlor in The Sims 4.

Screenshot by Dot Esports

Cheat your way to a bustling small business in no time.

There’s lots to do in The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies, but some parts of it are locked away until your Sim enhances their skills or otherwise progresses to a certain point. If you’re eager to have access to everything right away, you might want to know the best cheats.

Cheats are a simple way to bypass any obstacles and better curate the right experience for you. There are plenty to choose from, so here are the best cheats for The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies.

Tattoo skill cheat for The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies

A Sim wearing a plaid pink dress standing outside a yellow building that's a small business in The Sims 4.
There are so many different ways you can enhance your gameplay experience. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The skill cheat for the tattooing skill in The Sims 4 is:

  • stats.set_skill_level major_tattooing X

Tattooing is a 10-level skill, so you can replace the “X” in this cheat with any number from one to 10, depending on how much you want to cheat your Sims’ abilities.

Pottery skill cheat for The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies

The skill cheat for changing your Sims pottery skill in The Sims 4 is:

  • stats.set_skill_level major_pottery X

Just like tattooing, pottery is also a 10-level skill you can freely modify by changing the “X” in the cheat to any level from one to 10.

Skill Mastery Perk cheats in The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies

A Sim in yellow and black overalls with four Skill Mastery Perk icons around them in The Sims 4.
These perks are seriously OP. Screenshots by Dot Esports. Remix by Dot Esports

Skill Mastery Perks are a powerful way to enhance your Sims’ abilities in Businesses & Hobbies. All Skill Mastery perks have special effects and are fairly difficult to unlock, so if you’re having trouble getting the one you want, you can use a cheat to add it.

A few of these cheats aren’t known yet, so we’ll update this guide once they are.

Perk Cheat
Active Aura traits.equip_trait AuraActive
Creative Aura traits.equip_trait AuraCreative
Aspirational Creator traits.equip_trait AspirationalCreator
In the Zone traits.equip_trait InTheZone
Mental Aura traits.equip_trait AuraMental
Aspirational Thinker traits.equip_trait AspirationalThinker
Pigeonholed (Active skills) traits.equip_trait PigeonholedActive
Final Touch traits.equip_trait FinalTouch
Secret Spice traits.equip_trait Spice
Powerful Performer traits.equip_trait PowerfulPerformer
Stellar Stamina Unknown
Pigeonholed (Creative skills) traits.equip_trait PigeonholedCreative
Spacebender traits.equip_trait Spacebend
Mental Muscles Unknown
Second Wind traits.equip_trait SecondWind
Pigeonholed (Mental skills) traits.equip_trait PigeonholedMental
Skillful Sleep Unknown
Pigeonholed (Social skills) traits.equip_trait PigeonholedSocial

All The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies cheats

Trashley Reelpearson wearing a long tan trench coat and a black hat while playing in trash in The Sims 4.
Become a successful business owner like Trashley in no time. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Outside of the skill and perk cheats, there are also some other ones that work well with Businesses & Hobbies. Not all of these cheats are exclusive to the pack, but all of them help you navigate through it more easily.

Cheat Effect Uses
motherlode Gives your active household 50,000 Simoleons. Gives you a large amount of funds to build and start a small business.
money # Allows you to set the exact number of household funds. You can replace the “#” with the exact number of Simoleons you want in your household. This is helpful for setting up a small business and telling the story you want to play.
traits.equip_trait trait_Idealist Applies the Idealist trait to your Sim. The Idealist trait makes your Sim have high moral standards and a desire to always do what is right. It works well alongside the Dreamer alignment path in small businesses.
traits.equip_trait trait_Shady Applies the Shady trait to your Sim. The Shady trait helps your Sim thrive while engaging in mischievous activities like climbing the Schemer alignment in small businesses.
freerealestate on Makes all lots free. You can move onto any residential lot in any world, even if you cannot afford it.
bb.moveobjects on Allows you to move objects anywhere you want. This cheat lets you have more flexibility when building the small business of your dreams.
bb.showhiddenobjects Access locked items. Grants you immediate access to an array of locked items like pottery creations.
bb.showliveeditobjects Access locked environmental items. Allows you to use decorative environmental items that can be found throughout Nordhaven.
aspirations.complete_current_milestone Completes the current Aspiration milestone. Helps you progress through the Businesses & Hobbies Aspirations faster.

How to use cheats in The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies

To use any of the best cheats for Businesses & Hobbies, you first need to make sure you have cheats turned on. Turning cheats looks a bit different depending on which platform you’re using.

To start, you need to open the cheat console.

  • On PC or Mac, press Ctrl+Shift+C at the same time.
  • On PlayStation, press the R1+R2+L1+L2 buttons at the same time.
  • On Xbox, press the RB+RT+LB+LT buttons at the same time.

Once the cheat console is open, you’ll see a white bar in the upper left corner. Click it and type out either “testingcheats on” or “testingcheats true” to officially turn on cheats. Both options have the exact same effect, so pick whichever one you prefer.

The cheat console command box marked in The Sims 4.
Once cheats are on, you can start using any of the best options for Businesses & Hobbies. Screenshot by Dot Esports. Remix by Dot Esports

When you’re done using cheats, there’s plenty you can set out to explore around Nordhaven. Next, you might search around to find Trashley Reelpearson so you can complete the Trashley Certified Art collection, learn about the best small businesses you can make, and work on finishing the Nordhaven Bike Parts collection.

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