How to convert your CS2 sensitivity to FragPunk

A FragPunk player shooting at enemies.

Image via Bad Guitar Studio

Save time before experimenting.

FragPunk is out and brings a new spin on the tactical hero shooter genre that might attract CS2 and VALORANT players. And to make the transition smoother, you can easily convert your CS2 sensitivity settings to the game by converting the numbers.

The game has the usual hero- and tactical-shooter structure of an attacking and a defending team, each player using a character with unique abilities, but it lets you choose your loadout at the start of each round and the attacking team will have to plant a bomb in either of two bomb sites like in CS2. The new spin with FragPunk is in the Shard Cards. Both teams can vote before every round on three options of cards that alter the rules or add some effect that can benefit your team, making your bullets heal teammates, for example, or hurt the enemy team, making it impossible for them to heal.

Converting your CS2 sensitivity to FragPunk

The Sensitivity tab in the FragPunk settings.
It’s easy and quick. Screenshot by Dot Esports

You can adjust the mouse sensitivity in the tutorial right as you open the game for the first time, but if you already play CS2, you can just use those numbers and convert them to FragPunk. To start, you’ll need your CS2 sensitivity number. You can easily get them through the settings or the game’s console.

Here’s how you grab your CS2 sensitivity through the settings since the console might not be enabled in your game:

  1. Click the cog icon in the top left side of the screen to open the Settings menu.
  2. Go to the Keyboard/Mouse tab.
  3. Click on Keyboard/Mouse settings.

After you’ve got your number, go to the Same Aim – Different Game website to convert it. Just select CS2 in the first dropdown menu below “Convert from” and select FragPunk in the dropdown menu below “Convert to.” Enter in your CS2 sensitivity, and since you can change the FOV in FragPunk, set that as well before converting.

If you can’t find the FOV and the Sensitivity settings in FragPunk, follow these instructions:

  1. On the main menu, press ESC on your keyboard.
  2. Open the Settings.
  3. Go to the Video tab for the FOV and the Sensitivity tab for the mouse sensitivity.

Once you get the converted number, open FragPunk and put in the converted number in the “Look Sensitivity” option. Just change the “1” by the slider. If you prefer, you can change the Camera sensitivity to custom or custom per optics ads sensitivity. If you do so, the sensitivity will change based on the individual scope’s optics.

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