All 5 Rods in the Mariana Veil Fisch update and how to get them

The Mariana Veil update in Fisch has brought multiple powerful fishing rods with unique passives, which can be used to catch rare fish and make a lot of money. 

With every major update in Roblox’s Fisch, the game’s developer adds a variety of fishing rods, new areas to explore, and new types of fish to catch. If you’re looking to extend your fishing rod collection, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Mariana Veil in Fisch.

All 5 Rods in the Mariana Veil Fisch update, listed

The below is a complete table of all the fishing rods you can obtain in different levels of Fisch’s Mariana Veil region:

Fishing Rod Name and Icon Price How to get them Rod Stats Unique Passive 
Volcanic Rod
Picture showing the Volcanic Rod in Fisch.
C$ 300,000 After reaching the Volcanic Vents area using your Submarine, find your way to the fishing area in the region while dodging the fire-splitting obstacles in your way. Now, go to the middle island in the fishing lava pond and you should find the rod on top of a rock there. Lure Speed: 30 percent
Luck: 90 percent
Control: 0.1
Resilience: 15 percent
Max Weight of Fish: Infinite 
All the fish hooked with this rod have a 20 percent chance to get the Ashen Fortune mutation, which increases the fish’s sell value by five times. 
Challenger’s Rod
Picture showing the Challenger's Rod in Fisch.
C$ 2,500,000 After leaving the Volcanic Vents area using your Submarine, the next freezing zone is called Challenger’s Deep. Dock your Submarine and talk to the Innkeeper to set your spawn here. Now go straight from here until you find the frozen pond. After that, drop down the rock and turn toward where you came from to find the fishing rod.  Lure Speed: 80 percent
Luck: 110 percent
Control: 0.2
Resilience: 30 percent
Max Weight of Fish: Infinite 
All the fish hooked with this rod get 20 percent more Progress Speed to catch fish efficiently. 
Rod Of The Zenith
Picture showing the Rod Of The Zenith in Fisch.
C$ 10,000,000 Leave the Challenger’s Deep area and move to the next region which is the Abyssal Zenith level. Once you reach here, find the Innkeeper and go left of the region. The rod should be against the wall.   Lure Speed: 85 percent
Luck: 145 percent
Control: 0.15
Resilience: 15 percent
Max Weight of Fish: Infinite 
All the fish hooked with this rod as a perfect catch, you increase the mutation chance by 0.1x and decrease resilience from the fish to catch more mutated fish. But if you don’t get a perfect catch, the streak resets.
Ethereal Prism Rod
Picture showing the Ethereal Prism in Fisch.
C$ 15,000,000 The next level after the Abyssal Zenith is the Calm Zone and that’s where you find this rod.  Once you reach the area keep going straight to find a secret cave find the locked door, which can be opened by placing three of the new secret fish to unlock it. After that, go straight to find a small island and you should find this rod near the rock and a tree. You also need to complete the small Veil of the Forsaken to purchase this rod.  Lure Speed: 95 percent
Luck: 195 percent
Control: 0.25
Resilience: 40 percent
Max Weight of Fish: Infinite 
All the fish hooked with this rod have a 50-percent chance of getting the Prismize mutation, which increases the value of your fish by eight times
Leviathan’s Fang Rod
Picture showing the Leviathan's Rod in Fisch.
C$ 1,000,000 Once you reach the final Veil of the Forsaken level, defeat Scylla boss, and this rod should be available for purchase near the rock where you spawn after entering the portal to reach the area.  Lure Speed: 70 percent
Luck: 180 percent
Control: 0.1
Resilience: 5 percent
Max Weight of Fish: Infinite 
The rod increases your Resilience by 50, gives you 20 percent Progress Speed, and adds a Slash ability while catching the Scylla during the hunts to easily catch the secret fish. 

Leviathan’s Fang Rod is good for catching Scylla but it is a late-game fishing rod and serves only one role and excels at it. The Volcanic Rod is a solid mid-game rod, which helps you make money, and it does have decent stats. If you struggle with catching fish in general due to the mini-game, consider taking the Challenger’s Rod.

Lastly, the most expensive fishing rods. Rod Of The Zenith isn’t that good due to the passive but it’s good for hunting down particular mutations in Fisch if you’re good with the mini-game. At a C$15-million price, the Ethereal Prism Rod is obviously going to the spotlight here with a strong money-making passive. This will allow you to get plenty of money to prepare for future updates. 

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