All Civilization 7 console commands and cheats

Civilization 7 can be a complex game with many intricate features and moving parts, as several aspects of your civilization can be tuned however you want. However, players can take things a step further by utilizing the game’s console commands to give you an advantage in gameplay.

Here are all the console commands and cheats you should know in Civilization 7.

How to enable Civ 7 console commands

An image of a large cityscape in Civilization 7. This city is made out of many stone buildings and is built into a cliffside that overlooks the ocean.
Console commands give you more access to the full map. Image via Firaxis.

Civ 7 has several console commands that can be accessed through the debug menu. Unfortunately, not many console commands have been discovered at the time of writing, but all of them are highly useful in the game. To access the commands menu, you’ll need to access the console commands. You’ll have to manipulate the game’s files in its directory to do this. This process is simple and revertable but can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. As such, it’s advised that you backup your saved files beforehand, as well as the App.Options.txt file.

Here are the steps you need to access the debug menu and console commands:

  • In Explorer, navigate to C: > Users > AppData > Local > Firaxis Games > Sid Meier’s Civilization VII.
  • Open the AppOptions.txt file using Notepad.
  • Scroll down the folder to ;EnableDebugPanels -1 and replace it with EnableDebugPanels 1 (make sure you remove the ; or the console commands will not work).
  • Save the file and launch the game.

All Civ 7 console commands

If you follow all these steps correctly, you should enable the debug menu with no issues. When you boot up the game again, press the ~ on your keyboard to bring up the console. You’ll then see a list of several game options you can tick and untick. While most of them are technical settings to enable options like visual elements, UI options, models, and more, there are also a bunch of useful options to enable. There are four console commands that you can enable easily. 

These are:

  • Force Age Transition: This can be found in the UI section under the Gameplay option. It allows you to instantly end the current age you’re on and skip to the next age.
  • Reveal All: This can be found in the Map section under the Debug option. It allows you to see the full map of the game and everything on it. This is invaluable to gameplay as it allows you to see threats, resources, explorable land and much more.
  • Explore All: This can also be found in the Map section under the Debug option. It allows you to see the full map but not everything on it. So, if you want to see the full map but not spoil everything for yourself while exploring, this is the better option.
  • Enable FOW: This option is in the Map section under the Debug option. It disables or enables the Fog of War mechanic which shrouds unexplored areas in fog.

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