All Dawnshore Unique weapons, armor, and accessory locations in Avowed

There are multiple unique items you can find throughout your playthrough of Avowed. Tracking them all down can be a challenge, but you don’t want to leave the first area, Dawnshore, before you find every unique weapon, armor, and accessory available.

Some of these items are only available in quests, and you might only get them if you make certain decisons. There’s a chance you could miss out on them depending on if you side with a particular individual, and you’ll want to weigh the outcomes of a quest with this in mind. Here’s what you need to know about where to track down all Dawnshore unique weapons, armor, and accessory locations in Avowed.

All Dawnshore unique accessory locations in Avowed

All Dawnshore unique accessory locations in Avowed
Mix and match your accessories based on your playstyle. Screenshot by Dot Esports

There are 17 unique accessories you can find in Dawnshore in Avowed. Some are available in the same quest, and you can only get one or the other, unfortunately. You won’t be able to gather them all. You can wear two rings at the same time, and one trinket.

Unique Accessory Accessory Effect Item location Image
Arcanist’s Ring Increases your Intellect by one. You can find it in the smuggler camp at Castol’s Folly. Arcanist ring location in Aovwed
Band of Transcendent Suffering Increases your melee damage by 35 percent, but decreases your Damage Reduction by 100 percent. You can find it underneath the bridge in Paradis inside a chest. Band of Transcendent Suffering location in Avowed
Bitter Bonding Has it so every one percent of Attack Damage you inflict on someone restores your health by the same amount. You can find it in Shantytown, where the husband is looking for his wedding ring. Bitter Bonding location in Avowed
Celestial Loop Increases your resistance to Fire and Ice Accumulation by 15 percent. Rather than giving Miteno the Suolenets you found for him, demand a reward. Celestial Loop location in Avowed
Delver’s Caution Increases your Dexterity by one and gives you 15 percent Parkour Speed. Complete the Dawntreader quest by speaking to Ofryc. Delver's Caution location in Avowed
Enchanted Suolonet Increases the amount of currency you get from looting coins by 20 percent. Give Miteno the Suolenets without asking for a reward. Celestial Loop location in Avowed
Kithwarder Decreases the damage you get from Kith by three percent, but increases the damage from all other sources by 10 percent. You get it from Aldrich after completing all Bounties in Dawnshore. Dawnshore bounty board location on Avowed map.
Night-Mistress’ Favor Slowly regenerates your Essence while you’re close to a companion. You get this trinket from Giulianna after completing A Lady Never Tells, but without the guards knowing you stole from them. Night Mistress favor location in Avowed
Ondra’s Grace Slowly regenerates your health, but only if you’re wet. Available outside Paradis, behind a wall to the northwest of the city. You have to reach the top to find it. Ondra's Grace location in Avowed
Rathun Figurine Increases your Fire damage by 10 percent. The Rathun Figurine is available for you to purchase from the Shantytown Merchant. Rathun Figurine location in Avowed
Ring of Many Stars Unlocks the Minoletta’s Seeking Stars spell, which costs 40 essence, with a 300 second cooldown. You can get it from Sanza after you track down all the missing cartographers. Ring of Many Stars location in Avowed
Ring of Slow Essence Slowly regenerates your Essence. You can loot this ring next to Paradis, while searching a room outside the wall. The button to open this secret room is inside the statue’s lantern. Ring of Slow Essence location in Avowed
Steel Garrote Medallion Increases your Resolve by one. You can find this necklace while exploring the Ruinous Cavern, outside Paradis. You need to explore this area to complete a Dawnshore bounty. Nacib's location on Avowed map, Dot pin.
The Fantastic Alembic Drinking a Potion clears all Accumulations. You get this by delivering the Luminous Adra to Sapiento in the Precious Light quest. The Fantastic Alembic location in Avowed
Vindictive Band Critical Hits now deal Poison Damage to a target. You get this ring for completing the Cabin Fever side quest. Vindictive Band location in Avowed
Wayfarer’s Ring You receive an additional 20 percent Health and Essence regeneration when using Potions or consuming food. Appears to the south of Runyd’s House on a corpse. Wayfarer's Ring location in Avowed
White Key Cameo Restores 50% of your Maximum Health whenever you revive one of your companions. You can grab this amulet while exploring Claviger’s Eamund’s house during the An Untimely End quest. White Key Cameo location in Avowed

All Dawnshore Unique armor locations in Avowed

All Dawnshore unique armor locations in Avowed
Each armor set has three pieces to it. Screenshot by Dot Esports

There are four distinct armor sets you can find in Dawnshore during your Avowed playthrough. Some are close to each other, but you won’t find them all through the same task. Expect to explore multiple locations to find each one.

All Dawnshore Unique weapon locations in Avowed

All Dawnshore unique weapons in Avowed
Explore the dangerous Dawnshore region to find all 13 weapons. Screenshot by Dot Esports

There are 13 unique types of weapons you can find throughout the Dawnshore region in Avowed. Some are available for completing missions, while are others are for defeating foes or carefully exploring a region.

Weapon Name Effects Item location Image
Anextli’s Grimoire Grimoire
Reduces ability Essence cost by 28 percent
Reduces cooldown time by 15 percent
Fan of Flame, Arcane Veil, Grimoire Snap, and Missile Salvo
Track down the Pyromancer to the west of Paradis. Anextlis Grimoire location in Avowed
Bettle’s Bulwark Shield
While below 75 percent maximum health, a successful parry summons a Beetle to fight with you
Increases fire resistance by 20
You can purchase this from Sanza in Paradis. Ring of Many Stars location in Avowed
Beothel’s Grimoire Grimoire
Reduces ability Essence cost by 28 percent
Reduces cooldown time by 15 percent
Arcane Veil, Blizzard Corrosive Siphon, and Parasitic Staff
You can buy it from Merylin in Paradis. Beothem's Grimoire location in Avowed
Caeroc’s Pride Pistol
Power Attacks deal moderate Shock Accumulation to nearby enemies
Hits deal 10% bonus Shock Damage
Defeat Tempestous Luandi. Tempestuous Luandi location on Avowed map
Drawn in Winter One-handed Axe
Power Attacks deal moderate Frost Accumulation to nearby enemies
Hits deal 10 percent bonus Frost Damage
Complete the Ancient Memory at the Godless Ruins. Drawn in Winter location in Avowed
Last Light of Day One-handed Sword
Killing an enemy restores three percent of your Maximum Health
Hits deal 10 percent bonus Fire Damage
During the Dawntreader side quest, defeat Sargamis, have him sacrifice himself at the statue, or convince him to give up his plan, then speak with him. Last Light of Day location in Avowed
Seven Strivings Two-handed Axe
Killing an enemy gives you 15 percent movement speed for 10 seconds
Your Critical Hit Chance goes up by five percent
You can find it in Ralga’s lair, sticking out of a Xaurip. Seven Strivings location in Avowed
Sheathed in Summer Dagger
A full combo attack deals moderate Fire Accumulation
Hits deal 10 percent bonus Fire Damage
Defeat Octav the Firebrand. Octav's location on Avowed map
The Long Touch Bow
10 percent Critical Hit Chance for Power Attacks
Deal fivepercent more damage to enemies with full health
You can buy it from the Paradis Militia Merchant. The Long Touch location in Avowed
The Disappointer Pistol
Attack damage goes down by 10 percent
Hits have a 10 percent bonus to do Bleeding Damage
You can buy this item from Kerdhed in Paradis. Blackwing boots location in Avowed
The Philosopher’s Riddle Two-handed Sword
A Full combo attack gives you 15 percent attack speed for 10 seconds
Hits deal 10 percent bonus Poison Damage
You can loot this weapon from Castol’s Folly. The Philosopher's Riddle location in Avowed
Unflinching Duty Shield
Gives a five percent chance to avoid melee damage
Increases Maximum Stamina by 20
Pick it up from the dead Aedyran Guard after fighting the Dreamthrall bear. Unflinching duty location in Avowed
Wind and Wave Shield
Increases movement speed by 10 percent
Increases Frost Resistance by 20
You have to complete the Captain Henqua’s Spoils treasure map, which you can find at the lighthouse. It takes you to a location east of Old Pargrun Wall. Swim underwater to find the entrance. Wind and Wave location in Avowed

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