All Dead by Daylight Splendor Tome 19 challenges and rewards

Dead by Daylight has introduced players to a new Tome known as the Tome 19: Splendor. Tomes act as season passes for the game, bringing a set of new challenges for cosmetic unlocks.

Here is a comprehensive list of all the challenges featured in Dead by Daylight’s Tome 19: Splendor, broken down into three categories: Survivor, Killer, and General.

All Dead By Daylight Tome 19 week 1 challenges

The Tome 19 challenges are rolled out gradually on a weekly basis, with a total of four pages across the pass. Week 1 features 17 challenges: To maximize your share in the collection of acquiring all of what the Rift Pass has to offer, try completing all of them.

Completing Tom 19 Challenges in Dead by Daylight.
Progress through them all. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

All Killer challenges in week 1

Edition Number Challenge Name How to complete Rewards
01 Bloody Good Hit Survivors with your weapon a total of six times. This challenge can be accomplished over multiple trials. 5 Rift Fragments, 15,000 Bloodpoints.
02 Anger Management Destroy pallets a total of five times. 5 Rift Fragments, 15,000 Bloodpoints.
03 Carry On Carry a survivor over 50 meters as the Killer. 5 Rift Fragments, 15,000 Bloodpoints.
04 Crushing Dominance Knock down survivors two times. This can be done in multiple trials. 5 Rift Fragments, 15,000 Bloodpoints.
05 Mechanical Murder (Master Challenge) While playing as the Artist, damage the generator a total of two times in a single trial. 8 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and Carmina Lore entry.
06 Dark Adherent (Master Challenge) Hook survivor a total of three times. This can done in multiple trials. 8 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Compendium chapter.
07 Swarm of Darkness (Master Challenge) Swarm six survivors while they’re working on a generator, an unopened chest, or a Totem. This can be done while playing as the Artist over multiple trials. 8 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Compendium chapter.

All Survivor challenges in week 1

Edition Number Challenge Name How to complete Rewards
01 By Any Means Necessary While being chased by a Killer, drop a pallet. This needs to be done once. 5 Rift Fragments, 15,000 Bloodpoints.
02 Generosity Heal survivors equivalent to a total health state. This needs to be done once while playing as a survivor. 5 Rift Fragments, 15,000 Bloodpoints.
03 Appeal to Heal Use a full Med-Kit to heal yourself. This needs to be done once. 5 Rift Fragments, 15,000 Bloodpoints.
04 Deadly Race Get chased by a Killer for 30 seconds. This needs to be done once. 5 Rift Fragments, 15,000 Bloodpoints.
05 Diversionary tactics (Master Challenge) Play as Zarina Kassir and lure the Killer within a 15-meter radius of a Generator marked by Red Herring within the final 30 seconds. 8 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Compendium chapter.
06 Jump Start (Master Challenge) Vault over pallets or debris a total of two times while being chased by the Killer. This can be done in multiple trials. 8 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Compendium chapter.
07 Core memory: Terrifying Ananmesis Collect two Memory Shards and synchronize the Memory. Memory Shards appear only after the appropriate challenge is equipped. 8 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Compendium chapter.

All General challenges in week 1

Edition Number Challenge Name How to complete Rewards
01 Amateur Ornithologist Disturb 20 crows by walking up to them. 5 Rift Fragments, 15,000 Bloodpoints.
02 Bloody Rewards Earn a sum total of 40,000 Bloodpoints. 5 Rift Fragments, 15,000 Bloodpoints.
03 Glyph Seeker Speak with a Red Glyph 8 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Compendium chapter.

Completing all of the challenges across three categories of Tome 19: Splendor will reward you with an additional 10 Rift Fragments, a Brushstroke Badge, and access to the second page of the weekly challenges. Week 2 challenges go live starting May 6, 2024, and we will update this page at that time.

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