All Delve rewards in WoW The War Within Season 2

Season 2 for The War Within introduced a number of exciting changes for World of Warcraft players to rip into, including new Delves, increased difficulty, and a Tank specialization for Brann. Along with these changes, the rewards on offer for Delves were completely refreshed too.

Below, we’ve listed every Delve reward for Season 2 of WoW TWW, looking at the Delver’s Journey track, other rewards associated with completing high-level Delves during the season, and how you can get your hands on the new Delve mount via questing in Dornogal.

All Delve rewards in TWW Season 2

Delves rewards screenshot with the Undermine(d) hotel behind it World of Warcraft.
Delves can be lucrative. Image via Dot Esports

One of the main ways you can pick up rewards in WoW while exploring Delves is by making progress along the Delver’s Journey track. This is refreshed every season and filled up by earning the associated currency, which is creatively named Delver’s Journey.

There are 10 sections of the Delver’s Journey track to make progress towards, and you’ll need to get to level six if you want all of the customizations for the new mount for the season. The rewards for each level can be seen in the table below.

Delver’s Journey Track Rank Rank Rewards
1 Delver’s Gob-Trotter Schematic: Flamethrower customization
2 Delver’s Gob-Trotter Schematic: Pipes customization
3 Delver’s Gob-Trotter Schematic: Harpoon customization
4 Delver’s Gob-Trotter Schematic: Balloon customization
5 Unlocks the ability to purchase Restored Coffer Keys for 2,000 Undercoin apiece, limited to two per week
6 Delver’s Gob-Trotter Schematic: Green customization
7 Delve-O-Bot 7001 Toy, which allows you to travel quickly to a random Bountiful Delve
8 Unlocks the ability to buy Veteran 1/8 (ilvl 623) Warbound equipment, a Warbound Equipment Set, and Veteran 1/8 (ilvl 623) Bind-on-Pickup equipment
9 A 50-percent discount is applied to Restored Coffer Key purchases
10 Unlocks the Nightfall Sanctum Campsite background option for your Warband

Each stage of the Delver’s Journey track requires 4,200 Delver’s Journey currency, meaning you’ll need to earn a total of 42,000 throughout TWW Season 2.

To speed things along with your Delver’s Journey grind, prioritize higher-level Bountiful Delves, as they offer the best currency rewards and can be lucrative in terms of other drops as well.

Another reward you can pick up via Delves in Season 2 is the new mount, the Delver’s Gob-Trotter. This mount can be picked up easily by completing the quest I Want My Hat Back, which originates from Brann in Dornogal.

To trigger this quest, you’ll need to complete the starting quest Seasonal Refresher first. I Want My Hat Back starts immediately after this, and it takes you through a brief encounter in Earthcrawl Mines with Johnny Awesome, showing how Brann got his hat stolen.

You’ll get the Delver’s Gob-Trotter mount as a reward straight after wrapping up the quest, leading into the next quest in the chain, Defeating the Underpin. This quest is also worth tackling, since it rewards you with the Brann’s Spare Hat cosmetic and the Explosive Victory toy.

Delve in World of Warcraft with a pink sky underground.
Season 2 Delves are a lot of fun. Image by Dot Esports

Alongside the Delver’s Journey and shiny new mount, you can also nab extra rewards from doing high-level Delves in Season 2.

Completing a Delve of tier nine or higher will give you more Runed Crests than usual. Additionally, Gilded Crests can be earned three times a week by completing Bountiful Delves in the 11th tier, making these already lucrative challenges even more enticing.

There are plenty of rewards to pick up during this competitive season of WoW as a Delve fan, but if you want even more goodies, remember to check out your Achievement Tab. You can earn a unique title with Leave No Treasure Unfound and a mount via Glory of the Delver.

To hit your Delve goals quicker, take a peek at our rundown of the fastest Delves currently in the game. While they’re all challenging to a degree, especially on higher difficulty levels, some Delves have less ground to cover and can be sped through once you’ve got the route down.

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