During the level Dude Raiding in Astro Bot, you are tasked with finding three secret golden egg artefacts for hidden bronze trophy.
The Astro Bot trophy is called The Lost Eggacy, and while finding three egg artefacts might sound easy at first, the locations of these items are well hidden. When you find one, though, you only need to hit it to collect it, and if you miss an egg during a playthrough, you won’t need to recollect it in the future, either.
The Lost Eggacy: How to collect all three egg artefacts in Dude Raiding
Egg artefact location 1
The first golden egg artefact is found shortly into the level. You come across an area with a plane crash above a circle piece of land. Behind the platform is a secret area you can drop down to, and while you may think nothing is there at first, you’d be mistaken.
You’ll find four stone faces on a wall you can interact with by hitting them with the Square button or using R2 to fire your pistol. Line up all the faces so they are squinting. Once you do, the four faces should shine and unlock a door where the first egg artefact is behind it.
Egg artefact location 2
You can find the second in the next area shortly after the first egg. You swing across a rope, blow up a stone door, and then slide down a ramp to a small island with a bunch of turtles around you. The game expects you to go left, but if you go right, you come across a Bot.
Once you get the Bot, climb up the broken ruins to the right until you circle back to the island. The second egg is just above a pillar. The image above doesn’t show it, as we had already got the egg before taking the photo, but trust us, it’s there.
Egg artefact location 3
The third and final egg artifact is located near the end of the level after the stone turtle head swallows you.
After escaping the room of skull heads, you come across a rope you need to climb up. Halfway up that rope climb is a green exit area with an altar. The altar has the third egg, and collecting it unlocks the trophy.