All Expression of Many locations in Destiny 2

Expression of Many Knight charging the player in Destiny 2

Screenshot by Dot Esports

They are one. Here’s where to find every Expression of Many.

During the Heresy Act Two seasonal quest in Destiny 2, Rites of the Deep, you must complete multiple side quests to recover Willbreaker shards. One of the quests leads to the Cosmodrome and tasks you with tracking down the Expression of Many.

Here’s where to find all three Expressions of Many in Destiny 2.

How to find and destroy Expression of Many in Destiny 2

Expression of Many, the Envious

Mirmo, the Envious in Destiny 2
Taken learned new tricks. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Expression of Many is split into three entities across the Cosmodrome, and the first is at the Lunar Complex, next to the Skywatch landing zone. Follow the markers into the complex until you reach a room with a Shrieker and Taken blights. In this room, there’s Mirmo, the Envious Taken Knight, who can use Strand. Kill it, and the blights will disappear.

Expression of Many, the Covetous

Mirmo, the Covetous in Destiny 2
Eyes up Guardian. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Covetous Expression of Many is at the Gateway, in the bottom left corner of the map. Go all the way back through the dam to where you first woke up and started the New Light story. Right at that spot, there’s a Taken bubble with Mirmo, the Covetous.

Expression of Many, the Jealous

Mirmo, the Jealous in Destiny 2
What is it jealous of? Screenshot by Dot Esports

You might be able to kill Mirmo, the Jealous, on the way to the Gateway. As you go south from The Steppes landing zone, you’ll enter an open room with Dire Taken (this is also where you used to get your first ship). This is where you can find the Mirmo, the Jealous.

After killing all three Taken Knights, head back to the Shaping Slab in Eris’s Apartment in The Last City and collect the Willbreaker Shard: Realms. While you only need three shards for the first week of the seasonal quest, you might need to complete the rest later. These quests are also tied to the secret Dreadful Discoveries triumph.

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