All League of Legends level borders, explained

An image from League of Legends that features a plethora of Level up icons.

Images via Riot Games. Remixed by Dot Esports.

Here’s everything you need to know about level borders in League of Legends.

While leveling up in League of Legends may not grant as many rewards as it used to, players can still look forward to some fancy decorations like level borders.

Every time you reach a particular level in League, you’ll unlock a specific level border that will adorn your Summoner Icon. If you want to know how to unlock each border or when you’ll unlock your favorite, check out the information below.

How to unlock every League of Legends level border

Picture showing different champions in League of Legends.
Prepare to play countless games to unlock level borders. Image via Riot Games

Level borders are similar to Ranked borders in League, as both are decorations that surround your profile picture while in a lobby. Unlike ranked borders, you won’t have to reach a certain skill division to unlock any of the level borders.

Instead, level borders are unlocked roughly every 25 levels, starting from level one and reaching all the way to 500. To level up in League, all you need to do is play the game consistently. You can play either Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, or even Arena to level up your account, as you’ll earn a fixed amount of level XP after every game.

Players looking to level up fast can purchase XP boosts, but these cost real-world money. If you just created a new account, then you’ll receive a 30-day XP boost for playing the game three days in a row and winning one game. Personally, I’ve played League on and off for about five years and still haven’t reached level 500, so prepare for a serious grind if you want to unlock everything.

All League of Legends level borders

Picture showing Mordekaiser's Sahn-Uzal Human Skin in League of Legends.
You’ll have to be stronger than Mordekaiser to unlock all these level borders. Image via Riot Games.

There are currently a total of 21 level borders that players can unlock by playing League. Each border has a unique color scheme and is themed around a different region, religion, city, skin line, or culture from the world of Runeterra.

Once you unlock a level border, you’ll be able to permanently access it at any time by clicking on your profile picture in the top right of the League client. You can freely switch between any of these styles at will, so we suggest matching your border to your icon for some pleasing synergy.

Here’s a table that showcases all 21 borders, and the respective level you need to reach to unlock them:

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