All LoL champions released in 2010

There were 24 champions added to the League of Legends roster in 2010, starting with Yordle tank Poppy in January and wrapping up with Medusa-inspired mage Cassiopeia just a week out from the end of the season.

League’s second year saw Riot Games ship a new character nearly every patch cycle and, in some cases, even fired off dual releases like Gragas and Pantheon in February.

What’s interesting about this list is how many of these 2010 releases were eventually reworked. Most famous include Galio and Urgot, who lost everything from their original debuts, as well as Irelia, Xin Zhao, and Pantheon. Others have also had art and design overhauls recently. Of the 24 characters, only Lux and Kennen have not undergone total gameplay updates.

Many of these League champs are still quite viable in the ever-evolving season 14 metagame, too, including Gragas, Cassiopeia, and Trundle.

All 2010 League of Legends champions

  • Akali ⁠— May 11
  • Cassiopeia ⁠— Dec. 14
  • Ezreal ⁠— March 16
  • Galio ⁠— Aug. 10
  • Garen ⁠— April 27
  • Gragas ⁠— Feb. 2
  • Irelia ⁠— Nov. 16
  • Kennen ⁠— April 8
  • Kog’Maw ⁠— June 24
  • LeBlanc ⁠— Nov. 2
  • Lux ⁠— Oct. 19
  • Malzahar ⁠— June 1
  • Miss Fortune ⁠— Sept. 8
  • Mordekaiser ⁠— Feb. 24
  • Olaf ⁠— June 9
  • Pantheon ⁠— Feb. 2
  • Poppy ⁠— Jan. 13
  • Shen ⁠— March 24
  • Sona ⁠— Sept. 21
  • Swain ⁠— Oct. 5
  • Trundle ⁠— Dec. 1
  • Urgot ⁠— Aug. 24
  • Vladimir ⁠— July 27
  • Xin Zhao ⁠— July 13

Of course, these two dozen champs are just a smaller drop in the ocean compared to the massive League roster, which now boasts nearly 170 characters in 2024.

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