All Teleport changes in League of Legends Season 2025

Teleport has always been a pivotal ability in League of Legends, shaping how you play and manage your gameplay, and the 2025 season introduces significant changes that will alter how Teleport functions across the map. 

This Summoner Spell has undergone several changes the past 15 years, but it has always been among the strongest spells you could pick. Over time, as your and other players’ skill and knowledge of the game increase, Teleport has become a powerful tool that lacks a clear weakness. You can use it to push your advantage in lane if you’re ahead or rely on it as a fallback if you’re behind in farming—looking at you, Nasus mains.

How Teleport works in League of Legends 2025

New Nexus Turret on the Noxus-themed Summoner's Rift.
The new teleport is part of the changes to the 2025 which include a Noxus-themed Rift. Image via Riot Games

Both you and your opponent benefit from the ability to move across the map quickly in League, but this also stifles action in lanes due to the low cost and “reset” nature of Teleport, as Riot described it. So it’s time to implement some changes to the spell, let’s dive into how they will impact your gameplay and strategy on the Rift this season.

Slower Teleport, but more impactful

For Season 2025, Riot devs want to shift more of Teleport’s power into its later stages, focusing on map impact and solo lane influence. As a result, Teleport will no longer instantly blink you to the target location after the channel and instead you’ll visually travel across the map. 

This, of course, makes the travel time longer and more noticeable for the enemy team, slowing down the early power of Teleport but still ensuring that it’s impactful later in the game. 

The initial channel duration for Teleport has been reduced from four to three seconds and it now functions as an untargetable, unstoppable dash. The spell’s cooldown has also been reduced from 360 to 300 seconds. While the total travel duration remains four seconds, it can extend up to eight seconds depending on the distance—though specifics on where you’ll have to be and travel to in order to use the full eight seconds are not clear yet. The travel speed starts at 1000 units per second, but increases if the travel time exceeds eight seconds.

But to maintain a balanced early game, Riot devs made it so that you’ll now be able to target wards and minions again with Teleport, giving you more options and more time to react to other incoming Teleports.

Changes to Unleashed Teleport

Unleashed Teleport now has a significantly increased travel speed of 4500, allowing for faster strategic plays. Its cooldown remains unchanged, ranging from 330 to 240 seconds depending on your level. Additionally, the bonus movement speed upon arrival has been extended from 3 to 4 seconds, with a 50 percent boost to your total movement speed.

The 2025 changes to Teleport bring a major shift in how you use the ability early and late in the game. With longer travel time early on, you’ll have more opportunities to react to incoming Teleports, creating new chances for both offensive and defensive plays, while the change to Unleashed Teleport gives you more potential for map control and solo lane influence later in the game. 

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