All The Ghoul perks in Dead by Daylight

A white-haired man in a black mask with sharp teeth and a glowing red eye

Image via Behaviour Interactive

Ken Kaneki joins the Dead by Daylight roster as a ruthless Killer with several unique perks.

Ken Kaneki—The Ghoul—has been pulled into the fog by the Entity and joins the Dead by Daylight growing roster as a ruthless Killer. He’ll face off against various survivors, hunting them down with several unique perks that he can unleash against them.

These perks are exclusive to him at first, but can be unlocked and given to other Killers to aid them as they track down Survivors. You can pick and choose from these perks to equip to any Killer you have unlocked, creating a deadly combination alongside your other favorite choices. These are all of The Ghoul’s perks in Dead by Daylight and how they work.

Every perk for The Ghoul in Dead by Daylight

dead by daylight feature
Add The Ghoul’s perks to your arsenal. Image via Behaviour

The Ghoul has three unique perks associated with him that you can unlock in DBD: Forever Entwined, None Are Free, and Hex: Nothing But Misery. You can add all of them to a single Killer while playing as them, or you can do any combination alongside other perks for a total of four. Ahead of The Ghoul’s release, you can test his perks and abilities on the Public Test Build (PTB) for Dead by Daylight.

How the Entwined perk works in Dead by Daylight

With the Entwined perk, you receive a token whenever a Survivor takes damage. You can receive up to six, seven, and eight tokens; the amount you can receive with this perk increases as you level it up. For every token you receive, you can drop and hook a Survivor four percent faster, potentially increasing your speed up to 32 percent.

This can give you the proper advantage to chase down Survivors as you place them up on hooks or pick them up from the ground. Some Survivors notably use the lengthy animation Killers have to go through to run away and hide. With the Entwined perk, you can return to focusing on escaping Survivors much faster.

How None Are Free perk works in Dead by Daylight

The next perk is None Are Free. With it, you receive a token the first time you hook a Survivor. You can receive up to four tokens during a match. Whenever a generator is completed, for each token, all windows and upright pallets are blocked for everyone for 12/14/16 seconds. The amount of time these restrictions are up increases as you level up the perk.

For anyone who wants to trap Survivors after their successes, this is a good perk to narrow down their escape options and close in around them. It’s a great perk for The Ghoul, and also for other Killers with high mobility such as The Mastermind, The Hillbilly, or The Blight.

How the Hex: Nothing But Misery works in Dead by Daylight

The final perk we have for The Ghoul is a Hex: Nothing But Misery. Whenever you damage a Survivor 8/8/8 times with a basic attack, a dull totem becomes a hex totem, cursing all Survivors in the match. Whenever you damage a Survivor during a game with a basic attack, they become Hindered for five percent for 10/12.5/15 seconds. The effects of this debuff occur when the hex totem can be cleansed by the Survivors.

If you’re looking to slowly whittle down the Survivors in your Dead by Daylight match, this is a great way to counter them having an escape plan and healing. Although they might be able to get away from you, they’ll still feel the effects of this curse, increasing your chances of chasing them down, giving them the finishing blow, and adding them to a hook.

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