All Units in TFT Set 14

Teamfight Tactics Set 14 is here, and we’re going to get a whole new set of units and Traits to play around with. You can start theorycrafting right now as we’ll provide you with information on each unit in the game, including their costs and Traits for TFT Set 14.

All Champions in Teamfight Tactics Set 14

All 1-Cost Units

Your 1-cost units are the bread and butter of every early-game board, and some comps like Nitro revolve around securing the right 1-cost units early.

There are 13 1-cost units in the TFT Set 14 champion pool.

Unit Name Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3
Alistar Golden Ox Bruiser
Dr. Mundo Street Demon Bruiser Slayer
Jax Exotech Bastion
Kindred Nitro Rapidfire Marksman
Kog’Maw BoomBots Rapidfire
Morgana Divinicorp Dynamo
Nidalee Nitro A.M.P.
Poppy Cyberboss Bastion
Seraphine Anima Squad Techie
Shaco Syndicate Slayer
Sylas Anima Squad Vanguard
Vi Cypher Vanguard
Zyra Street Demon Techie

Teamfight Tactics set 14 units morganna, seraphine and vi 3 panel side by side
Morgana, Seraphine, and Vi from Set 14. Remix by Dot Esports

All 2-Cost Units

2-costs are equally important and even more relevant since they tend to stay on your board longer than 1-costs. In Set 14, some comps will require you to permanently field several 2-costs. Some of them are quite unique as they have up to three traits each.

There are 13 2-cost units in the TFT Set 14 champion pool.

Unit Name Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3
Darius Syndicate Bruiser
Ekko Street Demon Strategist
Graves Golden Ox Executioner
Illaoi Anima Squad Bastion
Jhin Exotech Marksman Dynamo
LeBlanc Cypher Strategist
Naafiri Exotech A.M.P.
Rhaast Divinicorp Vanguard
Shyvana Nitro Bastion Techie
Skarner BoomBots Vanguard
Twisted Fate Syndicate Rapidfire
Vayne Anima Squad Slayer
Veigar Cyberboss Techie

Teamfight Tactics set 14 2-costs Darius, Veigar, Leblanc 3 panel side by side remix
2-cost Darius, Veigar and Leblanc from Set 14. Remix by Dot Esports

All 3-Cost Units

There are a total of 13 3-cost units in Teamfight Tactics Set 14. They’re nowhere near as impactful as they were in Set 13(with a few exceptions), but they remain quite powerful.

There are 13 1-cost units in the TFT Set 14 champion pool.

Unit Name Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3
Braum Syndicate Vanguard
Draven Cypher Rapidfire
Elise Nitro Dynamo
Fiddlesticks BoomBots Techie
Galio Cypher Bastion
Gragas Divinicorp Bruiser
Jarvan IV Golden Ox Vanguard Slayer
Jinx Street Demon Marksman
Mordekaiser Exotech Bruiser Techie
Rengar Street Demon Executioner
Senna Divinicorp Slayer
Varus Exotech Executioner
Yuumi Anima Squad A.M.P. Strategist

Teamfight Tactics set 14 3-costs yuumi, mordekaiser, braum 3 panel side by side remix
Anima Squad, Exotech and the Syndicate. Remix by Dot Esports

All 4-Cost Units

4-cost units form the backbone of any powerful late-game board, and you will want to get them as soon as possible to stabilize your board. They’re the only units without any one of them having more than two traits.

There are 13 4-cost units in the TFT Set 14 champion pool. Here are all the 4-cost units and their traits.

Unit Name Trait 1 Trait 2
Annie Golden Ox A.M.P.
Aphelios Golden Ox Marksman
Brand Street Demon Techie
Cho’Gath BoomBots Bruiser
Leona Anima Squad Vanguard
Miss Fortune Syndicate Dynamo
Neeko Street Demon Strategist
Sejuani Exotech Bastion
Vex Divinicorp Executioner
Xayah Anima Squad Marksman
Zed Cypher Slayer
Zeri Exotech Rapidfire
Ziggs Cyberboss Strategist

Teamfight Tactics set 14 4-costs brand, zed, sejuani 3 panel side by side remix
Your main damage carries and tanks. Remix by Dot Esports

All 5-Cost Units

5-cost units are typically the strongest units in Teamfight Tactics, and this remains true for Set 14. Some of them, such as Zac, Garen, Renekton, and Viego, have unique Traits that make them a great pick for any team.

There are eight 5-cost units in the TFT Set 14 champion pool.

Unit Name Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3
Aurora Anima Squad Dynamo
Garen God of the Net
Kobuko Cyberboss Bruiser
Renekton Overlord Divinicorp Bastion
Samira Street Demon A.M.P.
Urgot BoomBots Executioner
Viego Soul Killer Golden Ox Techie
Zac Virus

Teamfight Tactics set 14 garen, viego, aurora 3 panel side by side remix
The strongest units in Set 14. Remix by Dot Esports

Those are all the units in Teamfight Tactics Set 14, but if you want to learn about how all of their Traits work, be sure to check out our list of all Set 14 Traits, explained.

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