All Wanderer’s Rest bandit banners in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Not only did bandits take over the Three Peaks, but they’re crawling all over Wanderer’s Rest. Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn tasks you with destroying all of the bandits’ banners, and if you know where to find these flags, it’s worth the effort.

As with the Three Peaks flags, there are 15 bandit banners for players to find in Wanderer’s Rest. The banners are red and white flags, and when shot down, they reward players with a small amount of reputation. Most of these banners hang from towers or cliffs, so keep your eyes on the skies while searching for them.

When you find one, you can lock onto it just like you would target an enemy to shoot it down with your pistol. This won’t waste a blackpowder charge. If you’re too far away from it, though, you’ll need to aim your secondary weapon to hit it. Once you’ve shot down all the flags, you’ll be rewarded with 7,500 Reputation and a medal, an item that goes into your inventory.

Here are the exact locations of all the bandit flags in Wanderer’s Rest in Flintlock.

Locations for all 15 bandit flags in Wanderer’s Rest in Flintlock

1) First Anchor

The first flag in Wanderer’s Rest is at the starting Hamlet, First Anchor. Look for this flag west of the Coffee Shop and directly north of the Ancestor’s Blessing, as shown in the map above. Like most other flags, it hangs from a tower, so keep your eyes peeled towards the sky.

2) East of Pilgrim’s Overlook No. 1

Heading north from First Anchor, you’ll come across the Pilgrim’s Overlook point of interest. As you approach the area, you will see a small collection of abandoned houses with a few undead enemies hanging around. Defeat these foes and make your way to the back of the area. You’ll see the flag hanging from one of the buildings.

3) Pilgrim’s Overlook bandit camp

Before you leave Pilgrim’s Overlook, look for the second banner. The fourth flag in Wanderer’s Rest is found within the area’s Bandit Camp. It’ll be positioned close to the middle of the camp, over a wooden hut. I recommend defeating the camp and ridding it of its bandits before looking for the flag so you can search in peace.

4) Jagged Ascent/Goatfoot Gorge

The next flag in Wanderer’s Rest can be found in Jagged Ascent. If you picked up the side quest “When Duty Calls” from the First Anchor Coffee Shop Host, you’ll find this flag organically; it’s near where you meet one of the soldiers who you’ll speak to as part of the quest. This flag blends into the rocks, so you may need to look closely to find it.

5) East of Sunshelter

The fifth bandit banner in Wanderer’s Rest is just a short walk south, east of Sunshelter. You’ll meet another soldier as part of the “When Duty Calls” quest near this area. As you approach the location pinned on the map above, look for this flag tucked high up in the cliffside. You likely won’t be able to target it with your pistol, so get a secondary weapon out and shoot that sucker down.

6) Cape Reunion No. 1

Head further south to Cape Reunion to find the next two flags in Wanderer’s Rest. The first is perched on a cliff, and you’ll need to climb up and powder-jump over to it before you can shoot it down with your pistol. If you’ve picked up the side quest “Ascension” from the strange woman on Nomad’s Coast, you’ll come across this flag naturally.

7) Cape Reunion No. 2

From the previous bandit banner, head south. Eventually, you’ll see a house on a hilltop overlooking a nearby bandit camp. You can shoot this flag down with a secondary weapon from the bandit camp or climb up to it to get a closer shot from your pistol.

8) South of Backharvest

The next flag on this list takes us all the way back up north. Look for the eighth flag south of Backharvest, in the middle of the Sibyl’s Teeth and The Ravine’s Secret locations. This area is full of twists and turns—and deadly enemies—but head to the location marked on the map above to find this flag perched high up on a cliff.

9) West of Wisdom’s Edge

This flag is technically in the Grasslands, but you’ll find it west of Wisdom’s Edge on a cliff overlooking a small bandit outpost with several enemies. You can scale the cliff to avoid fighting the enemies—or you can do Wanderer’s Rest a favor and clear the area of them. Your choice.

10) South of Wisdom’s Edge

For the next flag, meander through Wisdom’s Edge, which will be overrun with enemies you’ll need to defeat. After you’ve freed Hamlet, look for a tall tower south of the Wisdom’s Edge Coffee Shop. It’ll be closer to the coastline, but it’s hard to miss since it’s one of the tallest towers in the area. The 10th bandit banner in Wanderer’s Rest will be hanging from the top of this tower.

11) Entrance to Exile’s Cradle

North of Backharvest, you’ll find a narrow path leading to Exile’s Cradle, a mercenary outpost at the northernmost part of Wanderer’s Rest. At the entrance to this path sits a giant ram’s skull, and to the left of the skull is the 11th bandit banner.

12) Behind the arena at Exile’s Cradle

Once you’ve reached Exile’s Cradle, you’ll automatically start the Prizefight side quest, which rewards players with the helmet from the Irregular’s armor set. After completing the quest, you can reach a small area behind the arena. Look for the 12th flag on the northernmost side of this area.

13) Breakwater Cliffs

Before you head to the City of Sibyl, make a brief trip north to Breakwater Cliffs. There will be a short path leading up the cliffside, and along it will be several enemies. After you’ve defeated them, look for a short tower tucked in the cliffside. You’ll find a bandit banner proudly flying above it.

14) City of Sibyl, Merchant Quarter

After you reach the City of Sibyl, head south. Directly west of the destroyed Coffee Shop, you’ll find the second-to-last bandit banner in Wanderer’s Rest. This flag hangs from a tall beige tower in the Merchant Quarter and won’t be hard to find.

15) Enlightened Halls

At one point on the path to Dukmar, you’ll see this flag as you’re rift-traveling through a tunnel beneath the city. You won’t be able to shoot it down at that point, but eventually, you’ll be able to get right next to it. When you do, target it and shoot it down to collect your reward for destroying all 15 banners.

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