Baldur’s Gate 3 dev calls bear sex scene a ‘watershed moment in game history’

Baldur’s Gate 3 became one of the most influential games of the last few years due to how complex it was. Players were able to do whatever they want, including having a sex with a bear, which a dev praised recently.

Although, praised may be an understatement. While speaking at Develop: Brighton 2024, Baudelaire Welch, the senior narrative designer for Baldur’s Gate 3, called the sex scene “a watershed moment in game history.” The writer went into details of making this scene and the entire romance with Halsin, the Druid in Baldur’s Gate 3 who can turn into a bear and woo your character if you let him. Welch pointed out how important romance is in video games because romances outlive their games for years to come due to the fan fiction they eventually produce. That’s why the bear sex scene is so critical from their standpoint.

Halsin looking at the character in Baldur's Gate 3.
He’s a wild animal and wildly good in bed. Image via Larian Studios

Those who have followed the social media after the release of Baldur’s Gate 3 shouldn’t be surprised to hear that. Halsin is one of many possible romance options in the game, and due to the possibility of making love to him while he’s transformed into a bear, he’s arguably the most memorable one. After the game went live, online forums went wild (pun intended), and were praising Larian Studios for its boldness and creativity.

We’ve seen dozens of fan art posts on Reddit and other social media in the span of the last few months alone from the game. It wasn’t only centered around Halsin, but had other romance options included as well. And I’m sure there’s a ton more of it when you dig, although I’m afraid to explore that part of internet by myself.

Interestingly enough, Welch also outlined how Halsin became a romancable option in Baldur’s Gate 3. They revealed that the bear sex scene was a custom one made purely for the early screening for the fans. It made such a buzz among the community, however, that Larian had to turn him into a possible partner in the game afterward. The power of internet, am I right?

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