Beat Rule 18 of the Password Game: Atomic numbers that add to 200

The Password Game by Neal.Fun requires concentration — especially when it comes to Rule 18. Solving Rule 18 requires you to strategically find atomic numbers that add up to 200. So, we’re here to tell you what an atomic number is and how to add them to equal a specific number.

Here’s how to beat Rule 18 of The Password Game and more about atomic numbers.

How to beat Rule 18 of The Password Game

A screenshot of The Password Game, listing a particular rule in red while a password sits incomplete in a text entry box.
Whether you meant to or not, you might have a few elements already loaded. Screenshot by Dot Esports

To satisfy Rule 18 for The Password Game, you have to choose elements from the periodic table and have their atomic numbers add together to equal 200.

Each element on the periodic table has an atomic number, and you likely already have a few in your password—some intentionally, some by accident.


Figure out what numbers you need to keep to achieve 200. Make sure to use a spreadsheet and or take notes to help keep track.

In my puzzle above, the elements V, Zn, and N were highlighted—but the only atomic element I entered was Zn to satisfy Rule 12. You may find this happens to you as well, whether it be due to needing a Roman numeral or because of a random element appearing in your captcha.

Fortunately, depending on how many atomic elements you’ve included, you may be one character away from resolving Rule 18. Here are some steps to follow once you have simplified your password:

  1. Figure out and note down the numbers that should stay. These are your constant values that equal up to the Atomic number total. Check the table below for more Atomic values.
  2. Add those constant values together to determine your Atomic total.
  3. Subtract that Atomic total from 200.
  4. Then add in the Atomic number(s) to get from the sum of the Atomic total to 200.
  5. This will then satisfy the rule.

Below, we’ve included a table with a list of all atomic numbers for each element. If you find you are over the limit, keep in mind most of the rules aren’t case-sensitive whereas atomic elements are. Simply dropping to lowercase for the element will remove it from the overall count to 200, which may free you up to add another symbol.


Future rules may see you inadvertently add another atomic element, so return to this list to check for any changes you need to make.

Atomic number list for The Password Game:

Symbol Atomic Number
H One
He Two
Li Three
Be Four
B Five
C Six
N Seven
O Eight
F Nine
Ne 10
Na 11
Mg 12
Al 13
Si 14
P 15
S 16
Cl 17
Ar 18
K 19
Ca 20
Sc 21
Ti 22
V 23
Cr 24
Mn 25
Fe 26
Co 27
Ni 28
Cu 29
Zn 30
Ga 31
Ge 32
As 33
Se 34
Br 35
Kr 36
Rb 37
Sr 38
Y 39
Zr 40
Nb 41
Mo 42
Tc 43
Ru 44
Rh 45
Pd 46
Ag 47
Cd 48
In 49
Sn 50
Sb 51
Te 52
I 53
Xe 54
Cs 55
Ba 56
La 57
Ce 58
Pr 59
Nd 60
Pm 61
Sm 62
Eu 63
Gd 64
Tb 65
Dy 66
Ho 67
Er 68
Tm 69
Yb 70
Lu 71
Hf 72
Ta 73
W 74
Re 75
Os 76
Ir 77
Pt 78
Au 79
Hg 80
Tl 81
Pb 82
Bi 83
Po 84
At 85
Rn 86
Fr 87
Ra 88
Ac 89
Th 90
Pa 91
U 92
Np 93
Pu 94
Am 95
Cm 96
Bk 97
Cf 98
Es 99
Fm 100
Md 101
No 102
Lr 103
Rf 104
Db 105
Sg 106
Bh 107
Hs 108
Mt 109
Sd 110
Rg 111
Uub 112
Uuq 114

The Password Game is definitely challenging. If you’re having a hard time with rule 18, or any other rule, you can always try starting the game over from the beginning. While that means you have to redo a lot of your work, a new start could give you a much-needed breath of fresh air. Plus, knowing what rules lie in wait could help you out with the earlier rules as well.

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