Best feats for Astarion in BG3

Astarion is one of Baldur’s Gate 3’s most useful and versatile companions. There are plenty of ways this High Elf vampire can help a team, and choosing the best feats possible for Astarion is essential for maximizing his potential.

While multiclass builds are an option, Astarion is a Rogue which means we’ll only go over the best feats for this specific class build. Changing his class or multiclassing completely alters what the best feats are for him since it fundamentally changes how he functions, so it’s best to leave him as a standard Rogue when choosing these feats. Here are all of the best feats for Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Best feats for Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3

Astarion looking off to the side in Baldur's Gate 3.
There are lots of great ones to choose from. Screenshot by Dot Esports

For the ideal Astarion Rogue build, the four best feats you can equip are Ability Improvement, Sharpshooter, Mobile, and Tough. Since Astarion is a Rogue, he gets four feats rather than the usual three other BG3 classes get.

Feat Effect
Ability Improvement Increase one ability by two or two abilities by one for a maximum of 20.
Sharpshooter Your ranged weapon attacks don’t receive penalties from high-ground rules. Additionally, ranged weapon attacks with a weapon you’re proficient in deal an extra 10 damage at the cost of a minus-five penalty to your attack roll.
Mobile Increases your movement speed and makes it so difficult terrain doesn’t slow you down when you dash. If you move after making a melee attack, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from your targeted opponent.
Tough Your hit point maximum is increased by two for every level you gain.

Rogues get a new feat at levels four, eight, 10, and 12. Astarion’s main stat is Dexterity and the priority when selecting feats for him is to boost his general efficiency as a Rogue unit which means enhancing his stealth, movement, and damage output.

You can grab the four best feats for him in whatever order works best for you, but I generally recommend getting that Ability Improvement fairly early on. Building Astarion’s Dexterity is crucial to enhancing his skillset as a Rogue and this is the best way to do so unless you happen across a strong piece of gear that can boost it instead.

With all of this in mind, here’s a breakdown of the four best feats you can give to Astarion.

Ability Improvement feat for Astarion in BG3

The Ability Improvement feat is by far the best one you can grab for Astarion, especially early on. It’s one of the most versatile and crucial feats for any character build, but it’s extra essential for him if you want to enhance his abilities overall.

This feat allows you to boost any ability by two points which is a great way to start off as a Rogue. If you’re not sure what feat feels right for your Astarion build, you really can’t go wrong with choosing this one until Astarion’s Dexterity reaches 20.

Sharpshooter feat for Astarion in BG3

Rogue’s ability to pop in and out of stealth pairs perfectly with the Sharpshooter feat’s high damage potential. You only want to grab Sharpshooter after your Dexterity is high, so this is a feat you should wait on until you’re ready for it.

This feat makes it so you aren’t penalized for shooting from low ground and gives you the togglable ability to go all in on your shots, giving you an additional 10 damage after taking a minus-five penalty on your rolls. It’s an incredibly powerful boost as long as you have the skills and equipment to back it up.

Astarion looking off to the side with a worried expression in BG3.
Make this Rogue as swift and deadly as possible. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Mobile feat for Astarion in BG3

The Mobile feat isn’t one you should take early because it’s better to prioritize that added Dexterity or firepower from Sharpshooter, but at level 10 or 12, this feat is an incredibly useful one to unlock. Mobile allows you to disengage and re-stealth without having to use a bonus action which greatly enhances Astarion’s sneaking abilities.

This is an especially important feat to select if you intend on making Astarion an Assassin instead of a Thief. Even if you aren’t, this is still one of the most powerful ones you can get since it makes it much easier for Astarion to freely move and sneak around in any situation.

Tough feat for Astarion in BG3

The fourth and final feat for Astarion is much more flexible and can really be whatever you think works best for your build, but I personally always prefer the Tough feat for him. This is a super general feat that works great for all characters, but especially those like Astarion that generally have fairly low armor class otherwise.

The Tough feat makes Astarion tougher and less likely to fall in battle since he has more health to work with. He can be incredibly difficult to keep alive without it, so if you’re struggling to keep him safe, this is a great feat to grab early on or down the line whenever you can fit it in to make him less weak.

Tip: Crossbows are ideal for AstarioN

If you’re giving Astarion a ranged weapon, you want to find a nice, strong crossbow. Astarion’s not a spellcaster, and bows are most effective when their use is combined with magic. For simple damage dealing across a great range, you’ll want a crossbow. Keep in mind, however, that a Rogue Astarion cannot use a heavy crossbow.

While these four are the overall best feats for Astarion, there are plenty of other viable options depending on how you want to play him and the team you’re running him with. Some other honorable mentions that can still be really strong for him are as follows.

Feat Effect
Lucky Grants three luck points that can be used to give you advantage on Attack Rolls, Abilities Checks, and Saving Throws. You can also use them to force an enemy to reroll an attack.
Resilient (Wisdom) Increases an ability by one, up to a maximum of 20, and grants proficiency in that ability’s saving throws.
Dual Wielder You can use two-weapon fighting even if both weapons aren’t light. You also gain a plus-one bonus to armor class while you’re wielding a weapon in both hands. With this feat, you cannot dual-wield heavy weapons.
Alert You gain a plus five bonus to initiative and cannot be surprised.

As was previously mentioned, these are the best feats to choose for an Astarion that remains a Rogue. If you’re looking for a more advanced multiclass option, you’ll want to take a look at our best Astarion build guide to learn the best options for it.

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