If you’re looking for a reliable engage hunter to spice up your SUPERVIVE team combinations, and put an end to those pesky long-range damage dealers, Kingpin has got you covered.
He’s one of the only two initiators in SUPERVIVE available for free while starting your journey. Investing your energy in mastering the art of abducting your enemies while playing Kingpin should be a valuable addition to any team.
All Kingpin abilities in SUPERVIVE

Every hunter in SUPERVIVE has a unique set of passive, ability, and ultimate, which separates them from the other characters. Kingpin is an S-tier initiator and he excels in closing the distance with enemies to make game-changing players, shifting the battle in your favor.
Here is a full breakdown of Kingpin’s abilities in SUPERVIVE:
- Feed The Beast (Passive): Kingpin gains bonus Max Health by getting knocks and assists to make himself bulky. This is a great late-game scaling ability which stacks significantly, but it comes with a kicker, too. You lose half of your stacks on death. Kingpin also deals 50 percent more backstab damage, making him a perfect pick for setting up ambushes as well.
- Scattergun (LMB): He fires seven slugs that deal damage to enemies. The shots spread in a wide semi-circle shape and become inaccurate after shooting multiple times in a short time so take your time to reset the gun to get the most out of it.
- Abyssal Grasp (RMB): Kingpin extends his arm to pull the first enemy hit with the ability toward him and make them Grounded. The ability also pierces through terrain and it can be used on allies as well to bail them out of tricky situations. It also picks up wisps (down enemies/allies) if they fall in range of the ability.
- Dash (Shift): Kingpin dashes a short distance, and the ability can also be used while being airborne to travel huge distances easily.
- Primal Slam (Q): You perform a short-range stun by slamming down your fist, damaging your enemies.
- Slugwave (R): The ultimate deals two waves of huge damage after a small windup which can be devastating to the enemies who are caught in the radius. The ultimate also applies the Anti-Heal effect on enemies, which is a great way to start a teamfight.
Kingpin has multiple abilities to initiate fights, and he can always use his Dash ability to dodge enemy skill shots or get in range for a fight. Try to use his enhanced backstab damage by stunning the target and going behind them to shoot them with your slugs. You can hook enemies, but don’t use the ability on an enemy tank, as that could make you vulnerable to enemy damage dealers.
Instead, try to use the terrain to your advantage and knock enemy glass cannon hunters to give yourself an advantage even before the fight starts. Your damage isn’t your main focus, so always concentrate on surviving and protecting your teammates who can finish fights for you.
Best Kingpin ability priority in SUPERVIVE

Kingpin relies on his Abyssal Grasp to grab enemies and separate the priority picks from their team. It’s a no-brainer to start with your hook, and then slowly invest points in your stun ability. Prioritize your mobility last, as your team should win you the teamfights.
Here’s Kingpin’s ability leveling priority:
- Abyssal Grasp
- Primal Slam
- Slugwave
- Dash
After landing on the map, you need to unlock your Abyssal Grasp as quickly as possible, letting you grab enemies and create mismatches to easily defeat any team nearby. After grabbing slippery targets like Felix, you can follow it up with your Primal Slam which gives your team time to burst down targets by stunning them.
You can follow that by increasing your Slugwave’s damage, and also investing in Dash to reduce your cooldown and pair it with other abilities.
Best Kingpin items in SUPERVIVE

Due to the health gained from his passive, you either want to go full tank to become a front liner for your team, or go hybrid and bring that damage to support your squad. We’d recommend you go hybrid, as the build synergizes well with his overall kit with a good balance of offense and defense.
Base Item | Evolution | Stats | Passive |
Tech Blade | Amplifier | +180 Ability Power +18 Ability Haste |
Your abilities refresh five percent faster and it stacks up to 10 times, making it easy for you to get more hooks and stuns in your kit while also increasing your overall firepower. |
Bladed Helmet | Helm of Gigantism | +90 Ability Power +288 Max Health +36 Movement Speed |
You gain ability power according to bonus maximum health, which gives a huge boost to your damage as it naturally goes well with your passive. |
Having a good mix of ability haste and power allows you to use your abilities frequently to break the rhythm of your enemies. You also help your carries get a good opening into teamfights, and have a mix of both damage and crowd control abilities to scale yourself quickly in matches.
Best Kingpin teams in SUPERVIVE

Kingpin loves to get his hands dirty, and heroes who excel in melee combat are his biggest allies. You can look toward Brall, a Hunter who can struggle to close the gap to enemies, but his synergy with Kingpin allows him to dish out heavy damage in close quarters when an enemy is hooked towards him.
While every team benefits from an addition like Kingpin due to his near-infinite health scaling and hook ability to pick targets, if you’re someone who constantly misses their hook, consider taking a controller like Void, whose crowd-control abilities make it impossible for the enemy to get away from your grasp and help you win more matches in SUPERVIVE.