Lady Geist is one of the most powerful heroes in Valve’s recently-announced MOBA Deadlock. She can go down quite a few routes to optimize her output, so here is our best Lady Geist build for maximum performance.
Lady Geist’s abilities in Deadlock

Deadlock heroes all have three abilities and an ultimate, and the fine Lady Geist is no exception. Her spells are as follows:
- Essence Bomb: Lady Geist launches a ticking bomb at enemies, costs HP to use.
- Life Drain: Lady Geist tethers herself to an enemy to drain their HP, healing herself. Though her movement speed is slowed, she can still cast abilities and shoot at the tethered and other enemies.
- Malice: Lady Geist throws a shard of blood at enemies, slowing them and causing them to take more damage from her. Costs HP to use.
- Soul Exchange: Literally Terrorblade’s ultimate from Dota 2, where Lady Geist swaps her HP with an opponent. Cannot bring enemies below 30 percent HP (or 20 when upgraded).
Lady Geist’s primary weapon is a revolver that shoots slowly, but hits hard. By default she has 13 bullets in the chamber, a number that can be increased with the proper use of items. In general, Lady Geist relies heavily on her spells and attacks equally as she does incredible Spirit and Bullet Damage.
The best build for Lady Geist in Deadlock
Early game

Since Lady Geist enjoys a good balance of both damage types, you should focus on bringing them up to speed as fast as possible. Items such as the Headshot Booster and High-Velocity Mag help you with your gun’s damage and range, while options like the Mystic Burst and Mystic Reach buff your abilities by quite a lot in the early stages of the game.
The hero also heavily relies on the optimal use of her first ability, Essence Bomb, early on, so that should be your focus. Before concentrating all of your ability points into it, however, be sure to upgrade each spell at least once to lower their cooldowns and increase the DPS they do. If you’re facing particularly aggressive and strong enemies, either the Extra Regen or Bullet and Spirit Armor items are also good and should be on the table.
Mid game

Once Lady Geist enters the mid game, she can safely roam and try to pick off weaker enemies from distance. If you really want to go into a fight and get up close and personal, use your ultimate and swap HP with healthier opponents to bring yourself back to full while they are drained of all their life.
In the item department during this stage of the game, you should consider buffing your spirit damage, as the Essence Bomb becomes nuclear once you do. Mystic Shot and Soul Shredder Bullets are great to prepare the enemies for an Essence Bomb cast, while Mystic Vulnerability and Improved Burst should be your top priority during this stage of the game. They both increase the spirit damage you do and make the enemies more susceptible to it.
Upgrading to either the Improved Armor items or getting yourself a Warp Stone is a good line of defensive itemization. Lastly, against particularly fast and mobile enemies, Mystic Slow is a good option to pin them down and make them easier to kill. You should also upgrade your Life Drain spell next, and then move on to Malice.
Late game

As the late game comes around, Lady Geist becomes an absolute powerhouse with incredible damage and high sustain. She is difficult to take down due to both her high damage warding enemies off and her ultimate always being a looming threat for troublesome opponents. Use this mental advantage to pressure enemies into submission. This should be much easier with the items below.
Frenzy boosts your stats and grants a solid overall buff when you’re low on HP. This lets you roam around at low HP for longer as you search for a healthy target to swap health with. Spiritual Overflow combines her bullet and spirit damage output well, while Escalating Exposure (upgraded from Mystic Vulnerability) makes Lady Geist’s abilities much more intimidating.
Against a ton of CC, Unstoppable becomes an option (equivalent of a Black King Bar in Dota 2), and Leech can help if you’re under a constant barrage of enemy attacks and need to stay healthy for as long as possbile. Her ultimate should be upgraded last, and in terms of positioning and gameplay, Lady Geist should be equally front and back line depending on the situation. In general, poke enemies down from a distance and stack Malice before going in for the kill with all that massive damage. Use your ultimate as a “get out of jail free” card when necessary.