Rebels are one of the most iconic comps to come out of TFT Set 13, and it’s thanks to their flashy playstyle and some of the most powerful boards in the meta.
Today, we’ll quickly guide you through setting up a powerful Rebel board in TFT Set 13.4 and achieving top-four finishes.
Best Rebel units
Early units
During the first three stages, you want to get your basic Rebel board set up with the three Rebel Trait and a double Sentinel/Bruiser buff. You want to fish for the following units:
- Vex(Rebel, Visionary)
- Sett(Rebel, Bruiser)
- Irelia(Rebel, Sentinel)
- Akali(Rebel, Quickstriker)
- Rell(Conqueror, Sentinel, Visionary)
Rell is a flex unit here who can activate traits with both Vex and Irelia, making her very useful early on.

Core units
Your core units form the backbone of this comp and are the units you absolutely need to find to win the game.
- Jinx(Rebel, Ambusher)
- Illaoi(Rebel, Sentinel)
- Zoe(Rebel, Sorcerer)
Jinx will be your late-game carry who you need to save up damage items for. Rebel has their biggest power spike when you get Jinx, and the comp collapses in the late game without her. Furthermore, Illaoi will be your only main frontline so you should try to 2-star her as soon as possible. Last but not least, Zoe is your alternate main carry until you can find a Jinx.
Flex units
- Ekko(Firelight, Ambusher, Scrap)
- Elise(Black Rose, Form Swapper, Bruiser)
- Rumble(Junker King, Sentinel, Scrap)
- Viktor(Machine Herald)
- Leblanc(Sorcerer, Black Rose)
- Ambessa(Conqueror, Quickstriker)

Each of these has a unique role and can tweak the Rebel endboard you play. Ekko has Scrap synergy with Rumble and Ambusher synergy with Jinx. Elise provides a Bruiser buff while being a very solid tank. Rumble pairs well with Illaoi for the Sentinel buff. Viktor is great to slot in, thanks to his stun. Leblanc gives Zoe the Sorcerer Trait. Ambessa lets you play the Rebel Quickstriker variant as a carry.
Best items for Rebels
You will primarily be itemizing for Illaoi, Zoe, and Jinx. Extra components go towards units like Ekko and Rumble, which can make use of them with the Scrap Trait.
Best defense items
- Warmog’s Armor
- Bramble Vest
- Gargoyle’s Stoneplate
Your main and only real frontline is Illaoi, so you should prioritize real tank items on her instead of pseudo-tank items like Ionic Spark.
Best carry items
- Rebel Emblems
- Spear of Shojin(BF Sword + Tear)
- Nashor’s Tooth
- Deathblade
- Infinity Edge
- Jeweled Gauntlet
Shojin is the best-in-slot item for both Jinx and Zoe, your main carries. Jinx should have a Shojin, IE, and Deathblade. Zoe should also get a Shojin, a Nashor’s Tooth, and a Jeweled Gauntlet.
You’re going to want to have as many Rebel Emblems as possible. The best units for Rebel Emblems are Ekko, Rumble, Viktor, and Leblanc.
Best Anomaly for Rebels
You will be fishing for a defensive Tank Anomaly for your Illaoi, or you can go for an offensive Attack Damage Anomaly for your Jinx as long as you get her before 5-6. In the worst-case scenario, give a magic damage Anomaly to your Zoe.
Best Augments for Rebels
Here are the best Augments you should try and find for Rebels:
- Rebel Crown
- Rebel Crest
- Paint the Town Blue
If you can get two different Rebel Emblems, you can try going for Nine Rebels which will be a lot stronger. However, one Rebel Emblem isn’t enough to make this strategy valid as Vex remains too weak.
Rebel strategy guide
Rebel is a Fast 8 comp so you’ll want to follow the standard leveling intervals and try to get to level eight before everyone else. On the way to level eight, you can play flex between a few units, but since we’re going for vertical Rebels, you won’t have too many flex slots by the end. The goal is to have some decent item holders until you find your core units.
Early game
Early in the game, during the first two Stages, you want to activate your basic 3 Rebel Trait. Fish for units like Vex, Irelia, and Sett early on. Getting an Akali is also great here. Vex is only used in the early game because she makes a good item holder for Zoe. You can play all four of these units or add in a Bruiser like Steb or a Sentinel like Singed to activate their respective Traits.

You can choose to either win or lose streak early on. Win streaking is always preferable, but you won’t always get the best rolls. Be flexible and play the strongest board you can until you start getting the better Rebel units. It goes without saying but make sure to 2-star your Irelia and Sett.
Mid game
Near the middle of the game, you’re going to want to hit level eight as quickly as possible because most of your core units are 4-costs. Illaoi is your core frontline unit, and all of your tank items should go to her as soon as you get them. You can strengthen your backline by adding an Ezreal, a Rebel that can hold items for your Jinx. Last but not least, you will want to get Zoe as soon as possible because she’s your main damage unit until you get Jinx.

Try to get 2-stars on your Illaoi and Zoe, as these can really make a huge difference. Swap your items from Vex onto Zoe instead. You can also look for flex units like Elise, who can activate the Bruiser Trait with Sett, or Ekko, who synergizes with Jinx later on. Here’s what your level eight board should look like in the middle of the game.
Once you hit level eight, you might want to start rolling down until you hit Zoe and Illaoi. Without them, your comp will be too weak to compete in the later stages. Both Zoe and Illaoi are the backbone of your team in the mid-to-late game.
Late game
To finish off the game, we need our hypercarry Jinx to be equipped with her best items. At this point, your backline should have Jinx and Zoe with damage items, while your frontline has Illaoi with three tank items. However, Illaoi will need some support, so we suggest putting in a Rumble to help out as he’s quite strong in this comp as you can play seven Rebel and four Sentinel. This will require you to hit level nine quickly.

Alternatively, you can also fish for a Leblanc to activate the two Sorcerer Trait with Zoe. Getting a Rebel emblem will make slotting them in a lot easier, but don’t let your team go below seven Rebels. If you can get a Rebel Emblem on Rumble, then you can easily slot in another character like Elise or Ekko instead of Irelia or Sett. Last but not least, if you get a Viktor early on, he fits pretty well into this comp, as his stun, paired with the Rebel stun, locks the enemy team out of play for a good while.
That’s all you need to know on the best units, items, and strategies to play the Rebel comp in TFT set 13.4. For more guides, check out the best Festival of Beast comps and the Set 13 unit tier list.