Shrike is a long-range sniper in SUPERVIVE who deals massive damage from a safe distance with her basic attacks and abilities. Once you learn to play Shrike, you’ll be tapping opponents with just a few basic attacks, or revealing dangerous areas to get the jump on enemy teams.
If you want to utilize this sniper to her maximum potential, here is everything you need to know about playing and building Shrike in SUPERVIVE.
All Shrike abilities in SUPERVIVE

All Hunters in SUPERVIVE have unique playstyles that differentiate them from other characters. Shrike is a DPS Hunter who focuses on dealing damage with her Truetalon rifle, a long-range gun that has a slow rate of fire but deals high damage. If you want to succeed while playing Shrike, practice your aim to ensure you can land skill shots.
Here are all of Shrike’s abilities in SUPERVIVE:
- Raptor’s Mark (Passive): Hitting LMB and R marks enemies for six seconds. Hitting marked enemies with another LMB or R detonates the mark to deal damage.
- Truetalon Rifle (LMB): Fire your sniper rifle slowly. Enemies at point-blank range take less damage, while enemies at half-range take full damage.
- Dive-Bomb (RMB): Throw an explosive hawk that detonates and deals explosive damage. Enemies struck are knocked back and stunned.
- Disengage (Shift): Fire a shot that propels you backward and deals damage. Enemies hit are slowed and grounded.
- Scout Hawk (Q): Launch a hawk forward to scout an area. The hawk will reveal enemy locations and apply Anti-Heal to enemies it passes over.
- Full Bore (R): Fire a long-range bullet that pierces armor and deals damage.
The majority of Shrike’s damage comes from her basic attacks and her passive detonations. Since Shrike’s rifle can automatically detonate her passive marks, you should only use your abilities to supplement your damage.
Before entering fights, you should always launch your Scout Hawk to survey the enemies’ positions. This can help you land long-range snipes with your basics or your ultimate against opponents who don’t know you have them in your sights. Shrike’s most important ability is Disengage because it allows her to swiftly escape melee heroes and continue to attack from the backline. Furthermore, since Shrike’s basic attacks deal less damage at close range, Disengage can be a helpful tool for creating the distance needed for your increased damage.
Best Shrike skill priority in SUPERVIVE
Since Shrike is an auto-attacker, her skill priority is not super important to her overall damage potential. However, you can still level up some useful abilities.
Here is Shrike’s skill leveling priority:
- Disengage
- Full Bore
- Dive-Bomb
- Scout Hawk
At the start of a game, you should farm and unlock all of your abilities. Afterwards, you can focus on maxing out Disengage and Full Bore. Disengage is a fantastic tool for escaping dangerous fights, while Full Bore can deal devastating damage.
Best Shrike Items in SUPERVIVE

Similar to other MOBAs, you can equip and upgrade items in SUPERVIVE that boost your damage. As you gain EXP from mobs and defeat players, you’ll get the opportunity to upgrade your items throughout a match, gaining extra stats.
Since Shrike is a DPS Hunter, you’ll want to pick the items that boost her damage:
Base Item | Evolution | Stats | Passive |
Vampiric Blade | Bloodscent | +180 Ability Power +12 percent Omnivamp |
Grants an extra three percent Omnivamp. At full health, your Omnivamp generates a shield based on the damage you overheal. |
Quickblade | Grace | +180 Ability Power +36 Movespeed |
Grants +50 Movespeed when you have full health. |
This build focuses on providing Shrike with ample damage, protection, and movement speed to hunt down other players. You’ll gain massive healing from all of your attacks once you have Bloodscent (Vampiric Blade), allowing you to dish out damage and heal. This ensures that you’ll always be at full health while in the backline, and even lets you generate a shield based on overheals.
This weapon synergizes perfectly with Grace (Quickblade), which provides bonus movement speed when at full health. Since you’ll always heal to full with your Vampiric Blade you can use the bonus movement speed to hunt down enemies that are running away from your devastating snipes.
You could always go for more defensive options if you’re struggling to stay alive against divers. For example, a Glacial Comet (Mana Helmet) causes your abilities to launch out ice blasts that slow opponents. This not only stops divers from rushing you, but also provides extra health and mana for survivability.
Best Shrike teams in SUPERVIVE

Since Shrike is a damage-dealing Hunter, she synergizes best with characters who provide healing or crowd control. For example, characters like Celeste, Oath, Kingpin, and Void can use their abilities to stun and root enemies, making it incredibly easy for Shrike to hit her snipes.
You can also pair Shrike with healers like Zeph or Elluna, as they excel at keeping her alive if enemies get too close.