Bungie is again making adjustments to the special ammo economy in Destiny 2‘s premier PvP mode Trials of Osiris this weekend after complaints over last week’s double-special dominance where one weapon stood above all others.
Bungie revealed plans for treating special ammo over the next two weeks of Trials in an April 15 post on X (formerly Twitter). Special ammo crates will return for this week but be fewer in quantity, before the crates will be dropped outright for the weekend beginning April 27 in favor of the ammo meter system we’ve seen used in standard Crucible matches.

“We want to stress that finding the right system is an ongoing effort,” the Bungie developers wrote, adding that designing a “more robust” ammo system for PvP and Trials has been the goal since the competitive mode’s return.
However, last weekend proved the ammo economy still has a long way to go after a lopsided three days stacked with double special weapons. Forerunner dominated the meta during last weekend’s Trials period, according to Destiny Trials Report, with almost 1.6 million guardians rocking the sidearm—nearly double that of next-best Conditional Finality. While some braved the play queue with primary weapons like The Summoner or Rose, the vast majority took in Forerunner with a special secondary like a fusion rifle or shotgun.
Players complained the special crates took over as the primary objective of Trials. “We want to engage gunfights but first we have to run out of the way for 10 seconds to grab a crate?” one player said. Others reiterated the need for a separate PvP sandbox—something players have argued for since the beginning of Destiny. We did see widespread changes to PvP in March, but it’s clear it’s not enough for Crucible diehards.
Many praised the transmat ammo system in place in the Crucible, which sees players earn their special ammo by completing the objective or landing back-to-back kills. Given we’re returning to this format in a fortnight’s time, Bungie too believes it to be a solid option and might just be the norm going forward.
Trials of Osiris returns to Destiny 2 playlists this weekend, from April 20—hopefully with a few more primary weapons and less Forerunner this time.