Civilization 7’s VR reveal is ‘dope’ but fans are not about to let go of the UI issues anytime soon

The Civilization 7 World Summit event took place on Feb. 8, 2025, showcasing some of the best competitive players going head to head in the newest addition to the franchise.

Amidst the chaos of battle and diplomacy, an exciting new release was unveiled on this live stream—Civ 7 is set to come out as a MetaQuest 3/3S title just after the standard release, giving players a brand new way to build their empires and write their own historical legacies.

The reveal was met with thunderous applause from the event audience and the reception online has been mostly positive as well. The announcement made its way onto social media, with potential players digging into the trailer with glee.

One excited viewer on X shared, “Amazing work @CivGame and @MetaQuestVR. This is my single most requested VR title and to say I’m hyped is an understatement.”

Another praised the reveal as “Very cool and unexpected”, seemingly summing up the thoughts of the other hyped fans in the replies. While there were people who were pleased to see the reveal—including one who excitedly called it “dope as f**k”—it seems that no one was expecting to see Civ 7 in VR form.

One curious viewer added, “I have no idea how this would look in VR, so [it] will be interesting to see.” It’s not a genre that’s often seen in a VR format, meaning it could attract newer players to check out a Civ title for the first time.

Some readers were hesitant about the announcement, though, pointing to concerns about Civ 7‘s Advanced Access release and questioning whether the VR reveal was necessary. One of the main concerns about the current state of the game, alongside the presence of Denuvo tools, was the UI design and quality.

One concerned reader asked, “Oh so that’s why the UI is simple and s**t,” echoing the common sentiment seen in the game’s Mixed Steam reviews.

Others seemed inclined to agree, asking if the style of Civ 7‘s UI had been made with this specific form of gameplay in mind. Some readers even questioned why the release was just for the MetaQuest 3/3S, querying when other VR sets would be able to access the game.

Despite this, the response to the unique reveal was mostly positive, with some people even declaring that it’d sold them on getting a MetaQuest for their gaming collection. The VR iteration of Civ 7 is set to come out in Spring 2025, according to the official announcement post, with the full version of the standard game dropping on Feb. 11 just before.

UI updates have been promised by the devs, with patches already on the way, so if you’re one of the players who feel unconvinced by the content you’ve seen so far in previews and events like the World Summit, there is clearly more to come.

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