It’s now been a year since Counter-Strike 2’s official release, and with the game still lagging so far behind Global Offensive both in terms of content and fidelity, pros are now also getting more vocal about their criticism of the game and Valve.
Now, it was ropz and NiKo who spoke out in interviews given to BLAST ahead of the tournament organizer’s Fall Finals competition, and neither of them minced words about the state of CS2.

“I’d guess the game will be great by 2030,” quipped ropz before adding that he’s worried about the game’s potential decline, saying “the game has much more potential and I hope Valve will realise this sooner than later.” He also made direct comparisons with Global Offensive, explaining that “CS:GO netcode definitely felt better” and that the devs still have the option to move to 128-tick servers as “FPS is a big issue” on markedly different equipment going from event to event.
Bosnian rifler-superstar NiKo had similar things to say in his own interview with BLAST, saying, “I’m pretty disappointed in the development in CS2. It’s pretty sad that with a new game we have made a step back instead of two steps forward. It has been a year now without major improvements with gameplay, still a lot of bugs, anticheat etc. It is not in a good state.”
It’s safe to say that these comments mirror the concerns of the wider player base, and they are not the only two pros to speak out about the lackluster state of Counter-Strike 2. Just a few weeks ago, a player has replicated Aleksib’s tests about the difference in response rate and fluidity on Global Offensive and its sequel, with disappointing results.
But at least we have much better smokes.