‘Destiny 2 servers are not available’ error explained for Heresy

Grinding in Destiny 2 is nearly Sisyphean, but joining login queues may be just as grueling. Errors such as “Destiny 2 servers are not available” will put a halt to any activity you expected to do.

Destiny 2‘s major content drops are usually marked by server queues and other assorted instability issues. In that case, it’s not entirely surprising that players are stuck at the “servers are not available” message—though the usual error code is that “Destiny 2 servers are temporarily at capacity.”

Here’s why the Destiny 2 servers aren’t available and what that error message may mean in Episode Heresy.

What does the “Destiny 2 servers are not available” error mean?

The "Destiny 2 servers are not available" error message, which tells players to dismiss the message to try again and redirects them to help.bungie.net.
Hello, error screen, my new friend. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The “Destiny 2 servers are not available” message indicates you can’t log in right now due to server issues, though this usually means the problem is on Bungie’s side of the connection.

The “Destiny 2 servers are not available” message appears with a red border (though it doesn’t have any Deepsight) and usually appears right after the usual “the Destiny 2 servers are being throttled” message, which indicates a server queue.

This error code can also appear due to a maintenance window in Destiny 2, although that’s a rarer sight. The message commonly surfaces due to server congestion, but it can appear alongside error code CAT and a litany of other connection issues.

How to fix the “Destiny 2 servers are not available” error message in Heresy?

There doesn’t seem to be one single surefire way to stop the “Destiny 2 servers are not available” message. Instead, the issue seems to be on Bungie’s end. Staying tuned to official social media channels can tip you off to any server interruptions (intentional or not).

When I encountered this error due to a queue in The Final Shape, what worked for me was closing the game and opening it back up, which placed me straight into the game’s character select screen. This solution worked for myself and a clanmate, though we play on a lower-population server. Other clanmates of ours haven’t had the same success, however, so the efficiency of this method may vary.

Since the error asks players to “dismiss this message to try again,” there isn’t much to do other than to keep trying. Check the BungieHelp or Destiny2Team accounts or use the fan-made bungiehelp.org website to flag any potential issues.

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