Using your Star Coins or foraging around the valley for materials to craft with are the main ways to unlock new content in Disney Dreamlight Valley. But you can also get a break from these methods and still unlock new content by redeeming active codes.
To obtain impressive free rewards in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you’re going to need to know all the currently active codes that can be redeemed.
All Disney Dreamlight Valley redemption codes

All active Disney Dreamlight Valley redemption codes
Whether you’re looking to claim one of the code-exclusive assets that are only obtainable through code redemption or want a material bundle so you can take a break from foraging, here are all the active codes in Disney Dreamlight Valley:
- FOFSOUFFLE24: You will get free rewards (NEW)
- FOFWORKOUT24: You will get free rewards (NEW)
- FOFSHARDS24: You will get free rewards (NEW)
- FOFTHANKS24: You will get free rewards (NEW)
- FOFSNOW24: You will get free rewards (NEW)
- FOFPRANK24: You will get free rewards (NEW)
- FOFFLOWERS24: You will get free rewards (NEW)
- FOFGEMS24: You will get free rewards (NEW)
- FOFFISH24: You will get free rewards (NEW)
- IO22024: You will get x4 Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out 2-inspired mood bracelets
- PRIDEGLEAM24: You will get a Gleam Balloon Arch, Balloon Bouquet, Ear Headband, and Popcorn Bucket.
- PRIDEILLUMINATE24: You will get a Illuminate Balloon Arch, Balloon Bouquet, Ear Headband, and Popcorn Bucket.
- PRIDESHINE24: You will get a Shine Balloon Arch, Balloon Bouquet, Ear Headband, and Popcorn Bucket.
- PRIDESHIMMER24: You will get a Shimmer Balloon Arch, Balloon Bouquet, Ear Headband, and Popcorn Bucket.
- PRIDEGLOW24: You will get a Glow Balloon Arch, Balloon Bouquet, Ear Headband, and Popcorn Bucket.
- PRIDERADIATE24: You will get a Radiate Balloon Arch, Balloon Bouquet, Ear Headband, and Popcorn Bucket.
- PRIDEBRIGHT24: You will get a Bright Balloon Arch, Balloon Bouquet, Ear Headband, and Popcorn Bucket.
- PRIDEDAZZLE24: You will get a Dazzle Balloon Arch, Balloon Bouquet, Ear Headband, and Popcorn Bucket.
- PARKSFEST24: You will get a Park Recycling Bin, a Colorful Park Bench, and a Park Banner Lamppost.
- DDVBALLOON: Players will receive one Celebration Balloon Arch and two Celebration Balloon Clusters.
- DDVHEADBAND: Players will receive one Celebration Mickey Mouse Ears and one Celebration Minnie Mouse Ears.
- DDVBPACK: Players will receive a Celebration Backpack.
- PRIDE20231: Players will receive a Gleam Tee.
- PRIDE20232: Players will receive an Illuminate Tee.
- PRIDE20233: Players will receive a Shine Tee.
- PRIDE20234: Players will receive a Shimmer Tee.
- PRIDE20235: Players will receive a Glow Tee.
- PRIDE20236: Players will receive a Radiate Tee.
- PRIDE20237: Players will receive a Bright Tee.
- PRIDE20238: Players will receive a Dazzle Tee.

While most other games have a specific code length and style pattern, all of the codes that have been released for Disney Dreamlight Valley so far look extremely different. Because of this, players will need to copy every code carefully to ensure they receive their rewards.
So far, the types of rewards players can gain through redeeming Disney Dreamlight Valley codes have varied. Across the title’s early years, material bundles have rewarded players with valuable resources like Diamonds and Hardwood. There have also been exclusive assets like the Melting Platinum Minnie Ears and the strange golden potato that is part of Disney Dreamlight Valley’s massive potato mystery, leading to the Rainbow Fox companion.
All expired Disney Dreamlight Valley codes
Although the codes below have expired (which means you can’t redeem them anymore), they do still give you a good idea of what codes might feature in the future.
- PIXL: Players will receive an Air Hockey Table, a Game Machine, and a Coin-op Game from Wreck-It Ralph.
- SG2023GIFTS: 1x Painted Table, 1x Vine Flower Lamp, 1x Snowy Festive Window, and 1x Telescope
- SGSNOWDAY: 20x Snowy Brick Road with Border, 1x Haughty Snowman, 1x Snow Kid, 1x Snow Lady, and 1x Snow Hut
- SGCOZYCOCOA: 1x Marble Fireplace, 1x Marble Coffee Table, 1x Ornate Couch and 5x Hot Cocoa
- SGMULTIPLAYER: Pixelized Cooking Flame and Glitchy Pixel Duplicate
- SG2023: 500 Moonstones
- HALLOWEENBUNDLE: Players will receive a free Playful Pumpkin Scarecrow, two Small Pumpkin Collections, two Large Pumpkin Collections, and a Heavy Iron Cauldron.
- AUTUMNBUNDLE: Players will receive one Autumn Harvest Pennant, one Autumn Wreath, two Pampas Grass Jugs, and two Bountiful Marigold Baskets.
- OCEANVIEW: Players received Minimalist Surfboards, a Light Blue Ice Cream Stand, and a Lightning Strike Wagon.
- CENTENNIAL: Players received Melting Platinum Minnie Ears and 15 Iron Ingots.
- DREAMLIGHTPARK: Players will receive a Magic Recycler.
- FOFGLITTER: Players received 150 Moonstones.
- FOFTROPHY: Players received 150 Moonstones.
- FOFSOUVENIR: Players received Ariel’s souvenirs which are five Gold Ingots, five Iron Ingots, and five Tinkering Parts.
- FOFSUCCESS: Players received eight pumpkins.
- FOFLOGEMS: Players received leftover gems, including three Diamonds, three Rubies, and three Sapphires.
- FOFLOSHARD: Players received leftover ingredients which are five Dream Shards and five Night Shards.
- FOFSURPRISEKIT: Players received Olaf’s surprise kit including 15 Snowballs, 15 Hardwood, and 15 Glass.
- FOFCRAFTYKIT: Players received Minnie and Mirabel’s crafty kit containing five pieces of Clay, five Fabric, and five Cotton.
- FOFCATCHDAY: Players received Moana’s catch of the day with five Kingfish, five Fugu, and five Anglerfish.
- GPOT-OATO-LDFS-ENNM: Players used to be able to receive the mysterious Golden Potato using this code, but it now is obtained in a different way.
How to redeem codes in Disney Dreamlight Valley
To redeem the active codes in Disney Dreamlight Valley, follow these five steps:
- Launch Disney Dreamlight Valley.
- Open the Settings page.
- Navigate to the Help tab.
- Paste an active code in the Redemption Code textbox.
- Press Claim.
- If the code is still active, a message will appear on your screen confirming that you have successfully redeemed the code and that your rewards will be delivered to your in-game mailbox.
- If the code has expired, an error message will appear stating that it is no longer active or invalid. Double-check that you’ve entered the code correctly before marking it as expired.
- Open your in-game mailbox (found beside your home) and claim the rewards.
Based on my experience with codes in Disney Dreamlight Valley, rewards from codes are usually delivered instantly. If you are missing your rewards a while after you redeemed a code, you may want to try reloading or reaching out to Gameloft through its Dreamlight Valley Trello.
Where to find more Disney Dreamlight Valley redemption codes
Sometimes the devs like to drop redemption codes that are only available for a limited time. Be sure to check the following places just in case there’s a secret code:
- Disney Dreamlight Valley on X (formerly Twitter).
- Disney Dreamlight Valley on Facebook.
- Disney Dreamlight Valley’s official Discord server.
If you’d like free goodies, this is everything you need to know about how to claim all the active Disney Dreamlight Valley redemption codes.