In the previous League of Legends Patch 14.14, a new champion Aurora was added. She was doing fine after her launch, but Riot Games still nerfed her. Now she’s…better than ever.
At the time of writing, Aurora is dominating the top and mid lane in League’s solo queue. In a Reddit discussion on Aug. 1, players discussed Aurora’s current state, with some believing she’s too strong for the current meta despite Patch 14.15 nerfs and others thinking Riot is prioritizing “fun over fair” with Aurora’s latest tweaks.
“I thought she was genuinely strong the previous patch but seemingly even with the nerfs this patch, clearly she’s way over the line, maybe even borderline hotfix nerf worthy,” the author of the discussion on Reddit wrote. Others agreed in the comments, claiming certain champions are demolished by Aurora when picked against her.

“Melees actually can’t play the game vs her, it’s legit fucked, she’s so annoying to play against especially as a champ with no cc, she’s impossible to catch and kill without teammates,” another top comment reads.
Aurora is currently the best top laner in Emerald+ rankings, with a stunning 53.07 percent win rate, according to U.GG. Her win rate in the mid lane is also nothing short of impressive since she boasts 52.45 percent in that role. In the previous Patch 14.14, she had 50.36 and 51.15 percent win rates in the mid lane and top lane, respectively.
So, were these nerfs, which adjusted each of her abilities, actually a buff? Seems like it, and players are starting to notice that as well. “Its like she was fine [and then] tuned to completely fuck over immobile melee champs,” one wrote.
Another player suggested Riot is taking a “fun over fair” direction with Aurora, and this could be the case, at least for now. By dominating not one but two roles, she’s bound to receive further changes soon. It remains to be seen whether these will go live in Patch 14.16, or if they will launch with a potential hotfix in the coming days.
Aurora’s kit was said to be “designed for her to deal quick bursts of damage while slipping away from enemies like the clever cottontail she is,” according to the official Champion Spotlight. As you can see above, it looks like she’s a bit over the top. Her wave clear is quick and easy, she’s too mobile to be caught by easy ganks, and has enormous damage. The latter, when combined with her crowd control, makes it fun (for you, not your opponents) and simple to finish off enemies in both laning phase and full-scale teamfights.