You have the chance to help out several people you meet throughout the Zone while playing STALKER 2. In the second area you unlock, Garbage, the central location you can begin operating from is called Slag Heap, and two friends need your help looking out for someone they know.
These two individuals at the Slag Heap want you to help their friend out by delivering vodka bottles to various stashes scattered throughout the Garbage region. If you agree, they’ll show you each stash location. Unfortunately, they don’t remember the one he uses the most, which means you need to visit each one to ensure he gets the delivery of vodka. We’ll breakdown where you can find each Budmo! stash location, and how to complete this quest in STALKER 2.
How to find all Budmo! stashes in STALKER 2

You can find these pair of characters inside the main building at Slag Heap, to the right of the trader who wants to give you quests. Speak with them while they’re drinking, and they’ll ask if you want to join them or get straight to business. You can decide how to navigate this decision in your STALKER 2 playthrough, but the overall decision doesn’t impact the course of the story, unlike knocking out Solder.
When they’re ready to talk, they share how they need to get meds with their friend, Panas, who is out in the zone. They promised to deposit these meds into a cache Panas could access, but forgot where to go exactly. Thus, to ensure Panas gets his meds, they need you to visit all three caches throughout the zone. You don’t have to use your vodka, though. They’re willing to give you the bottles they have the table to drop off for Panas.

These three caches are close to the Slag Heap, but expect a trek and some weather hazards. We recommend visiting the cache to the east first, then going to the two western locations. You want to make sure you only put the vodka in the caches. If you attempt to steal anything from these backpacks, you will fail the task, and Panas won’t be happy with your decision. It might be tempting, though, as these caches contain several items and artifacts. If you want to visit Panas directly, head to the northwest cache, and avoid the others.

When you reach the final cache in the northwest, Panas is in a cave, and you can speak with him about why you’re dropping off vodka at his stash. You can choose to explain you’re doing it because his friends want to take care of him, or you can choose to attack him if you want the gear in his stash. If you don’t attack him, he’ll thank you when you explain the situation. However, he’ll ask for anti-rad medication, rather than vodka, because he wants to quit. After you give him the anti-rad meds, he thanks you and gives you 1,300 coupons for your trouble, completing the Budmo! quest.
Should you steal from Panas’ Stash in STALKER 2?
If you’re looking to keep your reputation with this region of stalkers and want to return to the Slag Heap with a positive reputation, you’re better off not stealing from Panas. The gear inside these backpacks are good, but you have time and money to gather these items yourself. It’s never worth taking from another stalker in the Zone, and making enemies is never a fun way to spend any amount of time.
We don’t recommend it stealing from Panas, but you can do it if you are okay with these stalkers being mad at you. Panas attacks you if you steal from the east and west stashes and then speak with him inside the cave at the northwest.
Should you give Panas anti-rads or vodka in STALKER 2?

After speaking with Panas and explaining the situation, you also have the option to give him anti-rad medication or vodka. Panas explained he was trying to stop drinking, as it would lead him back to being stuck in Garbage, rather than exploring the entire Zone. For anyone who wants to help Panas from drinking giving the anti-rad medication is a good option. The 1,300 coupons are also immediately given to you. However, if you give him the vodka, you still get the 1,300 coupons reward, but it happens shortly after your conversation with him as he walks back to the Slag Heap in STALKER 2.