Weekly challenges like Slow and Steady are some of the best ways to earn a ton of money and experience in Phasmophobia. They’re also a great way to test how good your ghost-hunting skills really are.
This challenge is one of the toughest ones you can tackle, especially since it takes place on an outdoor map with extremely rainy weather. It takes quite a bit of work to get this task done, so here’s how you can successfully complete the Slow and Steady weekly challenge in Phasmophobia.
What is the Slow and Steady challenge in Phasmophobia?

The Slow and Steady challenge is one of Phasmophobia’s rotating weekly challenges you can complete for a bunch of experience and a $5,000 cash bonus.
Compared to some of the other challenges you’ll face like The Apocalypse Draws Near or No Evidence, Slow and Steady is much more doable as long as you know what the rules are, how to navigate the tricky aspects of an outdoor map, and what you can do to avoid the ghost during a hunt.
Phasmophobia Slow and Steady challenge rules
The rules for the Slow and Steady weekly challenge in Phasmophobia are primarily based on a modified version of the Professional difficulty with a few extra adjustments designed specifically for this challenge. Before attempting to tackle this tough task, here are the rules you want to keep in mind heading into it.
- You must complete this challenge at Camp Woodwind.
- The ghost must be correctly identified three times.
- You start at zero percent sanity and your sanity is permanently locked at zero percent. This means consuming Sanity Medication will not raise it.
- The ghost is 50 percent slower than usual.
- There is no grace period for setup in the beginning.
- There are no hiding spots on the map.
- The weather is always heavy rain.
- The fuse box starts off but can be turned on.
- There are no Cursed Possessions available for you to use.
- You have all Tier I equipment to work with.
- Tier I: Head Gear, Sanity Medication, Ghost Writing Book, Igniter, Motion Sensor, Firelight, Crucifix, Incense, Parabolic Microphone, Salt, Spirit Box, Photo Camera, EMF Reader, Sound Sensor, Thermometer, UV Light, Tripod, DOTS Projector, Flashlight, and Video Camera.

How to complete the Slow and Steady challenge in Phasmophobia
To successfully finish the Slow and Steady challenge, you need to correctly identify the ghost type at Camp Woodwind three different times. Since you’re stuck at zero percent sanity the entire time, the ghost will try to hunt you frequently which makes this a rather daunting task to complete.
Phasmophobia Slow and Steady challenge tips
Every investigation will look slightly different from the rest since each ghost will act differently, but if you understand what you can do to make the Slow and Steady challenge easier, you should have no problem finishing this task. Here are some tips for doing so.
Ghost hunt with friends
You’re almost guaranteed to be hunted as soon as you enter the map which means your chances of experiencing multiple deadly hunts is quite high. When you’re alone, the contract ends if you perish, but if you’re playing with friends, the investigation continues as long as at least one player remains alive.
If you can get together a full ghost-hunting squad with four players, you can buy the team a lot more time and increase your overall odds of success in this trial. Even if you don’t have friends who play, you can use the matchmaking feature to team up with other investigators. Ghost hunting with others is by far the best way to make this challenge easier.
Make an equipment pile
Every second is precious in this challenge, so it’s best to start by making an equipment pile right up against the front gate. The truck is pretty close to the map for this one, but you don’t have a single second to waste which means it’s absolutely worth getting all of your items as close to the entrance as you can.

As long as you don’t open the front gate, the contract won’t begin which means you’re essentially sneaking all of your precious equipment closer without any risk of actual danger. This saves you a lot of time in the long run, so although it can be a bit tedious, it’s absolutely worth doing.
Loop around the map during a hunt
Outdoor maps make discovering the correct ghost type a much more difficult process, but Camp Woodwind has a circular path you can follow to easily evade the ghost during a hunt. In my first go at this challenge, I managed to evade the ghost throughout five hunts by using the looping strategy. I repeated this process until I successfully determined what kind of ghost I was working with and safely left in the truck.
To loop around this map, you want to circle around the tent area and the fire pit area as needed. In my first Slow and Steady match, the ghost chose the purple tent on the east side of the map as its preferred room.
Using the loop strategy, whenever the ghost initiated a hunt, I would immediately turn my flashlight off and run north around the tents situated there to break the line of sight with the ghost and make it quickly lose track of me. From here, I kept running back toward the main gate before stopping to see if it had unlocked yet or if the hunt was still active.

If the gate was still locked, I’d turn on my flashlight briefly to see if the ghost was nearby while also starting to make my way around the fire pit. In each hunt, the ghost usually gave up around this time, so I could then head back outside the gate to grab more equipment to move on with my investigation.
Your ghost room will likely be located somewhere else as it always changes with each hunt, but as long as you run around in a circle from wherever it is, you should have no problem escaping from most ghosts during a hunt. No matter where the ghost decides its favorite room is, you can still easily draw your own circle around the map as a path to follow whenever it hunts.
Hide if you want to, but always run first
I always have a lot better luck running than I do hiding so I prefer to run instead, but you can also hide on this map if you feel confident doing so. Camp Woodwind is one of my favorite maps to run on since you can just keep going around in a circle and the ghost is extremely slow. But if you want to hide instead, make sure you’ve put a good amount of space between you and the ghost first.
Since there are no official hiding spots, you have to get creative with where you choose to hide. You could hide in a bathroom stall, behind any obstruction you can find, in a tent, or anywhere else you think seems to be a safe distance away from where the ghost is hunting.
Place Crucifixes as soon as possible
As soon as you know where the ghost room is, throw down both of your Crucifixes close to it to buy yourself more investigation time without a hunt. Since your sanity will be locked at zero, the ghost will almost always try to hunt you fairly frequently, so this is the only way to guarantee you can forcefully stop two hunts.

Use Incense as much as you can
You only have four Incense to work with, but you should absolutely use all four of them to deter the ghost before or during a hunt. This will limit how many other items you can carry since the Incense and Igniter will take up two slots. But if you leave equipment nearby, you can trade the burnt Incense for something else as soon as you’ve finished using it.
Place Video Cameras, Motion Sensors, and Sound Sensors early on
Even if you don’t know where the ghost is hanging around, do your best to quickly place down a bunch of equipment capable of helping you locate the ghost early on. This includes Video Cameras, Motion Sensors, and Sound Sensors since all three will help you pinpoint where the ghost room is so you can swiftly place more items down in the correct area.

Camp Woodwind is a fairly small map, so if you use these three types of equipment right, you should pick up where the ghost is pretty quickly. I placed a camera on the picnic table right by the front gate and managed to spot orbs in the purple tent way back in the distance thanks to how small this map is. The use of all three types of items will help you narrow down where the ghost is hanging around and also potentially help you catch some evidence.