How to complete the Technophilia challenge in Phasmophobia

As the name hints, the Technophilia challenge in Phasmophobia is all about using the best ghost-hunting technology you can get to identify the ghost. This makes part of the trial super easy, but since you’re missing some crucial items, it’s still a tough challenge to beat.

While you have all the best high-tech gadgets you could want, the trade-off is that you’re missing some of the most important ghost-hunting tools like Ghost Writing Books and Crucifixes. You also have a massive map to navigate and little protection to shield you from hunts, so here’s how to complete the Technophilia challenge in Phasmophobia.

What is the Technophilia challenge in Phasmophobia?

The description of the Technophilia challenge in Phasmophobia.
It’s not an easy task. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Technophilia challenge is one of many special weekly-themed trials you can attempt to complete for experience and cash. Like all other challenge modes, it comes with a specialized loadout of equipment you get to use for free, which means there are no consequences to dying.

If you manage to complete this trial three times, you earn $5,000 cash and 5,000 experience. This makes it one of the most effective ways to level up fast and afford high-quality ghost-hunting equipment.

Technophilia Phasmophobia challenge rules

In the Technophilia challenge, most of the special rules revolve around technology. There are a couple of additional guidelines you might not expect, though, so here are all of the changes to the regular contact rules you need to know before you tackle this trial.

  • It must be completed on the Bleasdale Farmhouse map.
  • The fuse box starts turned off but its location is marked on the map so you can turn it on.
  • Your sanity starts at 100 percent.
  • All screens in the truck are on and working.
  • There is no grace period for you to set up.
  • The Tarot Cards Cursed Possession is always present in this trial.
  • You’re missing all equipment that isn’t technological, which includes Firelights, Igniters, Salt, Ghost Writing Books, Crucifixes, and Incense.
  • All of the equipment you have access to is Tier III.
    • Tier III: Head Gear, Sanity Medication, Motion Sensor, Parabolic Microphone, Sound Sensor, EMF Reader, Spirit Box, Photo Camera, UV Light, Thermometer, DOTS Projector, Flashlight, and Video Camera.
All equipment for the Technophilia challenge in Phasmophobia.
You get lots of high-tech gadgets for this one. Screenshot by Dot Esports

How to complete the Technophilia Phasmophobia weekly challenge

To complete the Technophilia trial in Phasmophobia, you have to correctly determine what ghost is present at Bleasdale Farmhouse in three different contracts. You can attempt and fail this challenge however many times it takes you to get the three done right since there are no consequences for getting it wrong or perishing in a ghost hunt.

Phasmophobia Technophilia challenge tips

If you understand how this trial works but you’re still struggling to finish it, here are some tips to help you successfully complete the Technophilia challenge in Phasmophobia.

Play with friends

Challenge modes are by far the toughest trials you can tackle in Phasmophobia, but rallying a ghost-hunting squad to work through them with you makes them all a lot more doable. You can either invite some friends to play or team up with random players using the matchmaking feature.

Regardless of how you choose to assemble a team, your odds of success are always better with other players working alongside you. When you’re playing alone, the contract ends as soon as the ghost catches you. When you’re playing with others, the match continues as long as at least one player is still alive. This means you can continue investigating even if you get killed by the ghost.

Bleasdale Farmhouse is also a fairly large map that takes a long time to navigate on your own. With allies at your side, you can track down the ghost room quicker, get equipment inside faster, and overall work together to have a more efficient investigation.

Start with an equipment pile

Starting your contract off by creating an equipment pile next to the front door is a great way to maximize your odds of success on any map, but it’s especially important for huge maps like Bleasdale Farmhouse.

You don’t have any setup time, which means you could get unlucky and hunted as soon as you step through the front door. This makes every second you spend inside the house precious, so you don’t want to waste any of that time trekking back and forth between the house and the truck.

As long as you don’t open the front door, your contract won’t officially start. This means you can bring all of your equipment over to the porch and only head inside to begin the job once all of your gear is a lot more easily accessible.

An equipment pile by the door in Phasmophobia.
This saves you so much more time than you might think. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Rely on Night Vision Goggles

You’re given the Tier III version of Head Gear and you should absolutely make use of this item so you always use your Night Vision Goggles to see. They’re the overall most effective tool for light and allow you to use your last inventory slot on a useful tool rather than wasting it on a Flashlight.

Use your Sanity Medication as soon as you need it

Since you’re missing the two essential protective items, which are Incense and Crucifixes, you need to keep an eye on your sanity and use Sanity Medication when you need to. To play it safe, you should generally use Sanity Medication as soon as your sanity reaches between 70 to 80 percent because some early hunters can come for you sooner than you might expect.

Rule out what you can

With two important forms of ghost hunting equipment missing, it’s impossible to test for all types of evidence, which means it’s essential you rule out all the evidence you can. This means you want to test for all types of evidence your gear allows you to search for and cross out any forms you think you have adequately tested for and not gotten.

You can test for:

  • EMF Reader
  • Ultraviolet (based on fingerprints)
  • Freezing Temperatures
  • DOTS Projector
  • Ghost Orbs
  • Spirit Box

You can’t test for:

  • Ghost Writing Book
  • Ultraviolet (based on Salt)

Because of the equipment you’re missing, it’s impossible to determine with certainty whether or not the ghost has Ghost Writing as one of its evidence types. It’s also quite tough to catch Ultraviolet without Salt since this tool is the only way to test for it with certainty.

Without this item, you have to hope you get lucky enough to catch fingerprints around the map. So with both of these, it’s a lot easier to focus on testing for all of the evidence you can get so you can use the process of elimination to determine whether these two might be the right evidence type.

The player testing for EMF in Phasmophobia.
Test every item you can. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Watch for ghost behaviors and unofficial evidence

Since you can’t test all evidence in this trial and you’re missing some crucial protection from hunts, it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for any ghost behavior and unofficial evidence you can use to identify the ghost. Examples of this include the Shade being unusually shy even with very low sanity, The Mimic presenting false Ghost Orbs, the Demon hunting you way above the usual hunt threshold, and The Twins creating unusual Activity Chart patterns.

There are lots of other ghost behaviors and unofficial evidence too, so consider employing similar tactics to those you use in tougher trials like No Evidence and Detectives Only.

Don’t use the Tarot Cards

Tarot Cards are a really fun item to use, but you should avoid them in this challenge at all costs. This Cursed Possession is very random and luck-based, which means it’s really easy to pull a bad card and end up being hunted or immediately killed.

If you had Incense to help deter the ghost during a hunt, this item would be a lot safer to use. But since you’re missing it for this trial, it’s best to not mess with them at all unless you’re willing to risk dying. And if you just can’t resist using Tarot Cards even though it’s best to avoid them, make sure you at least make an educated guess on what you think the ghost is in your journal first so you still have the potential to get it right and make progress in this challenge even if you perish due to a bad card pull.

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