How to defeat Dukmar in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Dukmar is an arrogant god, which makes defeating him in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn all the more satisfactory. But he won’t go down without a fight, so you’ll need to learn the best tips and tricks to beat this boss.

Dukmar fight strategy, explained

Unlike Rammuha who has two layers of armor, Dukmar only has one. You’ll need to fill his Priming Gauge and then land a critical hit to rid him of his armor. After doing so, he’ll become a lot easier to fight.

Nor stands in front of a defeated Dukmar in Flintlock, pistol raised and back facing the camera.
How to defeat Dukmar in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn 3

My approach to defeating Dukmar in Flintlock was simple: Get in, land a couple hits, then jump out—literally. Dukmar has a ton of attacks that create areas-of-effect, but if you jump over them, they won’t deal any damage to you. His melee strikes can also be tough to parry but are short-ranged, so I opted to powder-dodge my way out—or over—them. Eventually, in his second phase of the fight, he starts firing quick-moving projectiles of light, making the more distance you put between you and him ever more valuable.

Because you’ll be doing a lot of dodging in this fight, I recommend equipping the Sunderer’s Set. If you equip a minimum of two Sunderer’s items, your dodges will teleport you a short distance, making it easier to dodge enemy attacks. The Sunderer’s Pauldron also slows enemies movements for 1.5 seconds, granting you a slightly wider window to jump back towards Dukmar, land a couple of hits, and then retreat.

I also used the Sunderer’s Hammer, which I had upgraded to level four with Baz‘s help, for the first phase of the fight to help build Prime. Once I relieved Dukmar of his armor, I switched to the Harbinger Blade to chip away at his health with its Burn effect.

All of Dukmar’s attacks in Flintlock and how to counter them

Dukmar has an assortment of attacks, and many of them do AoE damage. Some of them, like his beam of light, are incredibly tough to dodge, so you need to come prepared. Below are all of Dukmar’s attacks, as well as the corresponding timestamp in the video below.

  • An AoE attack where Dukmar slams to the ground, creating a ring of damage on the floor (0:34): Later in the fight, Dukmar repeats this attack multiple times in the row. The trick to dodging this sequence is to avoid spending too much time in the air; if you use your double-jump, you’ll fall to the ground and likely take damage in the process. Instead, time your jumps and reset in between Dukmar’s attacks.
  • Melee attacks with a Break Attack (0:38): Often times, Dukmar will attack in a sequence starting with a standard attack, followed by a Break Attack. Sometimes, though, it’s just one Break Attack. If the first attack is a standard strike from the left side, jump out of his attack range using a powder-dodge. If it comes from the right, however, try to parry it to build the Priming Gauge. Dukmar follows up the first melee hit with a Break Attack, which you can interrupt using a pistol shot.
  • A difficult-to-dodge beam of light (1:29): Dukmar levitates in the air, gathering energy to eventually shoot a beam of light at Nor. As it charges up, this beam will follow you wherever you go, before culminating in several circles of light and then firing. The best way I found to dodge this is to leap upwards into the air, and then dodge sideways right as the white circle closes in on itself.
    • Once the beam of light has fired, it stops tracking Nor. Use this time to heal, reload your secondary weapons, or get a couple of free hits off.
    • (5:22): After you’ve broken Dukmar’s armor, this attack will begin to fire orbs of damage that damage Nor if she’s on the outside of the beam after the beam has fully charged.
  • Ranged light attacks (4:20): After you’ve broken Dukmar’s armor, he gets a new attack in which he sends vertical and horizontal beams of light towards Nor. When he’s building up to this attack, he flies across the chamber and his sword turns blue. These attacks are fairly easy to dodge and come in batches of three. Dodge sideways to avoid being hit by the vertical beams, and jump over the horizontal ones.
    • (4:57): At this point in the fight, Dukmar’s standard attacks will also be followed up with the same beams of light. The god will rush you, try to land a swipe with his sword, then fire a beam of light. Avoid it by staying light on your feet: either powder-dodge sideways or leap above the beam.

Rewards for defeating Dukmar

After a brief interaction with Enki, you’ll find a chest close to the entrance of the chamber. You can open it to receive the Imbued Cursed Citrine, a Cursed Stone you can equip Enki with to change the type of curse he inflicts foes with.

Imbued Cursed Citrine from Flintlock. This screenshot shows the item, which appears as an orange crystal shard, and its stats.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Imbued Cursed Citrine, much like the Imbued Cursed Jade you get from winning Rammuha’s boss fight is an upgraded version of its raw counterpart but has the same effects. When Enki equips this Cursed Stone, he begins to inflict the Curse of Weakness, which causes enemies to deal 15 percent less damage for each curse.

After you’ve picked up your winnings, return to Baz at a campsite to progress the main story.

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