You can earn World of Warcraft Hallowfall Arathi reputation and an Exquisitely Eviscerated Muscle recipe by finding Caesper and unearthing the sleeping cat’s treasure in The War Within.
Finding treasure in WoW: The War Within typically requires following a few steps, like opening the Smuggler’s Treasure in Hallowfall. Treasures will earn your character reputation, along with other bonuses. The Disturbed Lynx treasure is a multitask quest in Hallowfall and is especially important for characters with a Cooking profession. Here’s everything you need to know about Caesper the cat and the hidden treasure in TWW.
Where to start the Caesper treasure hunt in The War Within

The quest to find Caesper in TWW begins by taking a Flight Path to Dunelle’s Kindness. Locate Torran Dullain, the Stable Master, at the coordinates 69.17 and 44.00. Speak to Dullain and choose “I’m looking for a lost companion.”
A merchant pop-up shop will open and provide you with two options. Purchase the Meaty Haunch for 20 gold. The meat will automatically be placed in one of your bags. You’ll then have what Caesper wants and be ready to depart to another location in Hallowfall.
Where to find Caesper in The War Within
Caesper is located on the outskirts of Meredal. You may take a Flight Path from Dunelle’s Kindness to Meredal or use a Skyriding mount. Upon reaching Meredal in Hallowfall, head to the coordinates 41.81 and 58.19, just south of the Flight Path in an area filled with red carpets with gold trim and a giant sleeping Caesper on the far left carpet by two poles with rope wrapped around them.
How to unlock Caesper’s treasure in The War Within

Approach Caesper and click on the cat to open the option of placing the Meaty Haunch in the cat’s mouth. But be sure to back up after you do or he might be tempted to eat you instead. With meat firmly in their mouth, Caesper will begin waddling through Meredal.
Follow Caesper to the main road and one of the entrances to Meredal. To the right of the road is a bush and a wall at the coordinates 42.20 and 59.04, where Caesper will begin to dig. After digging, Caesper heads back to sleep with the Meaty Haunch still in their mouth while you get to open an underground treasure containing two Exquisitely Eviscerated Muscle and a recipe for Exquisitely Eviscerated Muscle. You’ll also earn 150 Hallowfall Arathi TWW reputation.