There’s nothing worse than acquiring an exclusive item in Stardew Valley only to end up accidentally throwing it away or otherwise losing it. Luckily, as of the 1.6.9 update, there’s a way to get your precious items back through the Lost Items Shop.
Recovering your previous lost items isn’t an easy task if you don’t know where to look. You also need a pretty decent amount of gold to get them back. This process has a lot of steps, but reclaiming your lost valuables is certainly worth the effort, so here’s how to find the Lost Items Shop in Stardew Valley.
Where to find Lost Items Shop in Stardew Valley

The Lost Items Shop can be found in the Secret Woods area in Stardew Valley. You can access this area by heading to the very northwest corner of the Cindersap Forest where the Traveling Cart appears on Sundays and Fridays and proceeding left to the next area.
Once you’re in the Secret Woods, head as far west as you can. Approach the statue with columns around it and look for the Crow NPC with glowing red eyes standing behind the column to the right of the statue. Interact with this merchant to access the Lost Items Shop.
The entrance to the Secret Woods is initially blocked by a large log, so if you can’t access it, you need to upgrade your Axe to a Steel Axe or better so you can break it down. And if you don’t see the NPC who runs this shop, you likely either need to wait until the following day or the item you lost is not one that can appear in this store.
When you lose an item, the Lost Items Shop will always appear on the following day. This means you cannot recover your lost asset right away and must wait overnight before you can get it back.

How to use Lost Items Shop in Stardew Valley
To use the Lost Items Shop, approach the Crow NPC standing behind the column and interact with them just like you would any other character. This option varies by platform, so if you’re not sure what button to press, open your Settings and locate the Check/Do Action option. The button you have assigned here is the one you need to access the Lost Items Shop through the Crow.
This NPC and shop are only available when you’ve lost an item that cannot be recovered any other way, so if you don’t see them, you haven’t lost anything they can help you get back, or you need to sleep through the night to give them time to set up.
All Lost Item Shop items in Stardew Valley
Here are all of the items that can appear in the Lost Items Shop if you lose them and how you originally acquired each one so you know where they came from. To get any of these items back after losing them, you must give the secret vendor 10,000 gold.
Name | How to get |
A Night On Eco-Hill | Donate 20 items to the Museum. |
Bear Statue | Donate 50 items to the Museum. |
Boat | Fish at the small hidden spot located southwest of the Beach Farm. |
Chicken Statue | Dig an artifact spot on The Farm or fish treasure chests and artifact troves. |
Coffee Maker | Complete Evelyn’s “Gifts for George” special order quest. |
Emily’s Magic Boots | Finish Emily’s 14-heart event. |
Emily’s Magic Hat | Finish Emily’s 14-heart event. |
Emily’s Magic Shirt | Finish Emily’s 14-heart event. |
Fruit Salad Rug | Finish Penny’s 14-heart event and choose the Strawberry Home option. |
Gil’s Hat | Enter the Skull Cavern during the Desert Festival and reach an Egg rating between 25 to 54. |
Golden Helmet | Open Golden Coconuts. Each one has a five percent chance of dropping this item. |
Iridium Krobus | Fish in the ocean below the sewer in the very south of the Cindersap Forest region. |
Jade Hills | Donate 25 items to the Museum. |
Junimo Kart Arcade System | Beat Progress Mode in the Stardrop Saloon to obtain this item in the mail the following day. |
Junimo Plush | Interact with the bush above the playground in the northwest corner of Pelican Town on the 28th day of any season at 12pm. These instructions are provided through Secret Note #13, but you can still get this item without the note. |
Leah’s Sculpture | Complete Leah’s six-heart event. |
My First Painting | Finish Leah’s 14-heart event. |
Obsidian Vase | Donate 31 Minerals to the Museum. |
Physics 101 | Fish at the very top of the Volcano Dungeon. You have a five percent chance of obtaining this item. |
Pirate Double Bed | Finish Penny’s 14-heart event and choose the Pirate theme option. |
Pirate Rug | Finish Penny’s 14-heart event and choose the Pirate theme option. |
Prairie King Arcade System | Beat Journey of the Prairie King in the Stardrop Saloon and claim this item from your mailbox the following day. |
Sam’s Boombox | Finish Sam’s 14-heart event. |
Sewing Machine | Complete Emily’s “Rock Rejuvenation” special order quest. |
Singing Stone | Donate 21 Minerals to the Museum. |
Skeleton Statue | Donate 15 Artifacts to the Museum. |
Sloth Skeleton L | Donate a Prehistoric Skull, Prehistoric Scapula, and Skeletal Hand to the Museum. |
Sloth Skeleton M | Donate a Prehistoric Rib and Prehistoric Vertebra to the Museum. |
Sloth Skeleton R | Donate a Prehistoric Tibia and Skeletal Tail to the Museum. |
Soda Machine | Complete the Joja Community Development Form. |
Solid Gold Lewis | Solve the puzzle in front of 1 Willow Lane mentioned in Secret Note #19. |
Standing Geode | Donate 11 Minerals to the Museum. |
Stardew Hero Trophy | Fully complete all Bundles in the Community Center. |
Starry Double Bed | Finish Penny’s 14-heart event and choose the Forest and Moon: Peaceful Blue option. |
Statue Of True Perfection | Reach 100 percent Perfection in Qi’s Walnut Room on Ginger Island then interact with the Perfection Tracker. |
Strawberry Double Bed | Finish Penny’s 14-heart event and choose the Strawberry Home option. |
??? (hat) | Achieve 100 percent Perfection then interact with the Volcano Caldera in the Forge. |
While all of these items are listed as official Lost Item Shop assets in the patch notes, the Singing Stone might be bugged. I lost it and was not able to retrieve it from the shop the following day. We’ll update this guide when this is fixed or if the Singing Stone ends up being removed from the stock options.
Once you’re done recovering your lost assets from this shop, you can get to work completing other important tasks around the village. Next, you might work on finding Robin’s lost axe, planting the best crops for each season, winning the Grange Display contest at the Stardew Valley Fair, or admiring all of the NPC Winter outfits.