Fields of distortions and dangerous anomalies are scattered everywhere in STALKER 2, making any new area a difficult path to walk. You have to rely on your detector to help navigate these fields, and when you first start the game, you have to go through the anomalous field.
It’s one of the initial encounters you can have at the beginning of your journey, but it helps teach you the basics of how to survive this perilous landscape. Thankfully, you do have a helpful person showing you the ropes, Richter, and he teaches you what it takes to survive in the Zone. These are helpful skills for you to take with you throughout the rest of STALKER 2, even though escaping the anomalous field might not seem like a huge task.
How to escape the anomalous field in STALKER 2

Taking on the anomalous field means you have to start using handy tools known as bolts. These are junk items that you carry around with you while playing STALKER 2, and you do not have to keep these items on your character at all times. Instead, there’s a miscellaneous item that you always have in your available inventory and quick access tab, which means you can take them out at any time.
The theory behind using a bolt is that you activate the anomaly without doing it yourself. You can move through the area shortly after the bolt activates the anomaly. This way, you don’t cause any harm to yourself, and you can move around the area without too much fear. However, you do have to be quick, or the anomaly will return and you’ll damage yourself even if you use a bolt to disrupt it.
How to use bolts in STALKER 2
When you want to use a bolt, click the Tab or the LB button on your controller. You can find a bolt option on the bottom right on the menu, and you can bring it out to use it like a weapon. When you want to use a bolt, it occupies your right hand, which means you can’t hold a pistol or any other weapon when you want to use it. You can, however, have your left hand free, so you can use your detector at the same time if you’re trying to track down a nearby hidden artifact.
After the bolt is in your hand, click the fire option to bring back your arm and fling it at the anomaly. You need to wait for a few seconds for the anomaly to activate, but after this, the air should no longer look distorted, and you can now freely move through the air.
Different anomalies may take longer to activate and disappear than others. For the first one in the anomalous field, these are large pieces of air that disappear after a few seconds. It would be best if you still were fast, though, and in STALKER 2, these don’t wait up for you. These are only a warmup for what you can expect to deal with in future encounters as you continue exploring the rest of the game.
After you reach the end of the field, the next step is to speak with Richter. However, this is optional. You’re free to leave this area and begin exploring the world. If you want to find the main quest and know who to speak with when you reach the closest town, talking with Richter is a good step to make things easier while playing STALKER 2. You’ll also want his help when you need to track down Squint.