Harvesting resources and gathering supplies are key components of Once Human. Without enough supplies to your name, it’s easy to find yourself struggling to keep up against enemies, and the Solar Auto Drill is a helpful tool to make your life easier.
The Solar Auto Drill is a schematic you can unlock by progressing through the game, but it requires you to go down a specific path. If you can’t figure out how to unlock it, you might feel like you’re missing out on a quality-of-life improvement, even if you’re still dealing with difficult servers. Because this schematic is easily missed in Once Human, here’s what you need to know about how to get it and how it works.
Where to get the Solar Auto Drill in Once Human

The Solar Drill formula is available in the Specialization category of Once Human on the Memetics page. You’ll need to work your way through the levels of the game, making your character stronger until you reach level 35 with your character. You won’t be able to find it before you reach this level, as it appears in the Specialization tree, and the other Memetic trees don’t offer a Solar Drill as a schematic option. You might be able to catch Electric Eels while you’re not working on this project.
After you learn the Solar Drill schematic, take it to your intermediate supplies workbench and craft it using 40 Tungsten Ingots. It should only take one minute for the schematic to complete, and then you can start using it on Ore Deposits, which you’ll find while playing Once Human. The Solar Drill charges itself when you use it on sunny days and increases the yields of copper, tin, iron, aluminum, and tungsten by 25 percent when you use it compared to other methods. When you need to recharge the Solar Drill, make sure you have it out while it’s sunny in your area, or it won’t work as effectively.
You’ll want to focus on leveling up your character in Once Human until you reach this point. You’ll be able to do so by going through various side quests or focusing on the main story, slowly building up your base, and taking on the many foes you find throughout the region. There are multiple side quests for you to complete throughout each region and several chests and items to loot along the way.