To collect your Mega Token in the Untitled Tag Game, you must get your two initial tokens in the main game arena. Then, you must find the secret teleport located in the Raven Rock map, called Graffiti, and it will transport you to the level specially designed for The Hunt: Mega Edition. Be warned: this looks nothing like the Untitled Tag Game mechanics, and we are quite thrilled with how well-designed this quest is. Without further ado, let’s find out how to get the Untitled Tag Game Mega Token in Roblox The Hunt: Mega Edition.

Enter the Secret Quest Area in the Untitled Tag Game
Once you are on the Raven Rock map, jump into the water and go to the waterfall. Pass through the waterfall and enter a cavern behind. Go to the opposite end, and in the far corner, you will find a hidden teleport called Graffiti. Interact with the Graffiti and open a portal to the Mega Token quest in Untitled Tag Game.

Cash City Prison Break in Untitled Tag Game
You will land in Cash City, a dystopian place resembling the book “1984” by George Orwell. When the game starts, you wake up in prison. Talk with the NPC named Guy, he will turn on the light and give you the drone task. Control the drone and inspect 6 prison cells marked with location pointers.

Take some time and pay attention to the computer data and characters in the cells; they are hilarious and totally worth it.

Now, Guy will tell you that someone dropped a screwdriver in your cell. Return the drone to the cell by crashing in. Collect the screwdriver and go out on a 10-minute break. Enter the cantina behind the big blue door and go straight for the Reactor by unscrewing the panel marked with “Do Not Enter” labels.
Communication Room and Turbine Room Guide
Navigate through the air vent until you get to the Reactor’s communication room. It’s a small maze, but no worries, just make a couple of turns, and you’ll be there. When you enter the Reactor, eliminate the guard and shut down the computer behind the scientist.

Use airlocks to advance right after you collect the key card located in the right-down part of the room. Your task is to redirect the power and shut down the aerators. The tram will later take you to the turbine sector, where you must overload the turbines and bring the reactor down.

But first, you must get the key card. Crouch and avoid being detected by the guards. If you get spotted, the game will reset and place you at the beginning of your current task. Get the card, go through the Coolant corridor, dodge the guards, and open the door to the left. Shut the door behind you, enter the reactor chamber, and take the path to the Coolant section. This is a checkpoint section of the game, and if you get spotted, you’ll be returned here, not to the very beginning.

This part is a bit tricky due to the presence of many guards, so patience is in order. You will have to run fast, jump, and swing on the crossbar to jump over gaps. Once you do, go to the Supply section of the facility, do the swingbar jump above the forklifter, and enter the warehouse. On the opposite end, you will find the control switch to redirect power to the tram.

Press the red button and use the zipline to return to the cross-section between Supply, Production, and Tram. Go to the Production part of the facility and jump all the way to the control room. Now, this is quite tricky.

First, you must run fast and generate enough momentum. Then, you have to clip your avatar on the side of the construction bars since it is impossible to jump directly onto the platform. You will have to slam the space bar frequently until you can latch on the ladders leading upstairs to the control room.

Now, press the override aerator sequencing button and use the zipline again to get to the tram, which is now unlocked. Get on the tram and ride to the turbine room. Use your key card to open the door and solve the puzzle with six turbines. It’s quite simple: you need to find the right sequence and switch on all six turbines.

With all turbines lit green, go to the other side of the room and override the turbine system. The screen will turn red, followed by a Code Red announcement. Now, you have to be fast and evacuate the building immediately by running for your dear life.

Getting The Mega Token in Untitled Tag Game
But not just yet! As soon as you exit the turbine room, you will be sucked into the red portal. There, you will finally find the Mega Token floating in the vortex. Guy will show up and tease you to a race: the first to get the token keeps it.

Naturally, you will get it, but it’s not over. You have to run for your life and avoid debris, lasers, and explosions to escape the building. Run straight, and when you enter the warehouse, turn right and then left. After a few more turns, you will see a green screen you must jump through, like an action hero that you are.

With Mega Token on your back, continue running on top of buildings. Remember to hit C to roll during landing. Keep jumping down, use the zipline, and crash into the building through the window. In the warehouse behind, follow the arrows pointing upward. There will be a lot of jumping, and it can be difficult, so be prepared for do-overs.

As with previous sections in the game, if you die during the escape, you will respawn at the top of the first building. So, jump from the window to the crane, keep skipping on platforms, run over beams, avoid killer drones, use swing bars and zip lines, and go to the end of your route.

Once there, you will enter the blue portal and receive the ending credits.

Congrats! You have claimed one of the Mega Tokens and now are one step closer to The Hunt: Mega Edition Grand Finale. Check out how to get the basic quest token in Untitled Tag Game.