How to make electricity in Little Alchemy 2?

On this page you can see How to make electricity in Little Alchemy 2? with Guide, Hints, Cheats, Combinations and Walkthrough.

Also you can Learn what to do with electricity in Little Alchemy 2 Elements Cheat Walkthrough on Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, Windows 10 Mobile, Google Chrome or any web-browser and where its uses.

In addition on this page you can Look How to make electricity in Little Alchemy 2? Hints, Cheats and Guide

All Little Alchemy 2 Combinations, Guide, Hints, Cheats and Walkthrough

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How to make electricity in Little Alchemy 2?

What can you make with electricity in Little Alchemy 2?

Combine with Create
air ozone
antarctica aurora
arctic aurora
atmosphere aurora + ozone + storm
axe chainsaw
blade blender
bow stun gun
broom vacuum cleaner
car electric car
cloud lightning + storm
cold fridge
container battery
corpse frankenstein’s monster
fish electric eel
flashlight light
glass light bulb
gun stun gun
gunpowder explosion
hacker computer
human electrician
lake life
letter email
light bulb light
lumberjack chainsaw
metal wire
mineral battery
needle sewing machine
ocean life
ore battery
oxygen ozone
primordial soup life
rain lightning
rope wire
sand glass
scythe lawn mower
sea life
sky aurora
steel wire
storm lightning
sun solar cell
sundial clock
sword light sword
thread sewing machine
time clock
wagon electric car
wind wind turbine
windmill wind turbine
zombie frankenstein’s monster

Walkthrough for electricity in Little Alchemy 2

  1. earth + earth = land
  2. fire + fire = energy
  3. earth + land = continent
  4. continent + continent = planet
  5. fire + planet = sun
  6. energy + sun = solar cell
  7. solar cell + sun = electricity

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats

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