You can make almost anything you want in Infinite Craft, including Gay.
Infinite Craft is a rich browser game that aims to spark your creativity and incentivize you to become an inventor. There are over 200,000 recipes in the game, and it’s hard to wrap it up, even if you’re playing a lot. While you have simple recipes that only require combining a couple elements, there are complex ones that have over 100 steps. The Gay element is in between, and here’s how to make it in Infinite Craft.
How to make Gay in Infinite Craft

To make Gay in Infinite Craft, combine Rainbow and Catholic Church. Both of these recipes are already fairly complex and require a lot of work, especially if you’re starting from scratch. There could very well be a more efficient way of crafting Gay; there’s not always only one way of making certain recipes. For the time being, though, we’ve put together a 61-step method that’s guaranteed to work. If you have some of these recipes already unlocked, though, you can skip those steps.
Here’s the step-by-step guide on how to make Gay:
Ingredient One | Ingredient Two | Result | ||
Earth | + | Wind | = | Dust |
Earth | + | Water | = | Plant |
Fire | + | Water | = | Steam |
Dust | + | Earth | = | Planet |
Water | + | Water | = | Lake |
Plant | + | Wind | = | Dandelion |
Planet | + | Steam | = | Steampunk |
Lake | + | Water | = | Ocean |
Plant | + | Steam | = | Tea |
Planet | + | Wind | = | Storm |
Dandelion | + | Dandelion | = | Dandelion Patch |
Ocean | + | Steampunk | = | Steampunk Pirate |
Storm | + | Tea | = | Tempest |
Earth | + | Earth | = | Mountain |
Dandelion Patch | + | Lake | = | Duck |
Plant | + | Steampunk Pirate | = | Steampunk Plant |
Fire | + | Wind | = | Smoke |
Dust | + | Ocean | = | Sand |
Tempest | + | Water | = | Tsunami |
Mountain | + | Wind | = | Avalanche |
Duck | + | Water | = | Duckling |
Smoke | + | Steampunk Plant | = | Steampunk Tree |
Dust | + | Water | = | Mud |
Dust | + | Sand | = | Sandstorm |
Avalanche | + | Tsunami | = | Disaster |
Tea | + | Tempest | = | Typhoon |
Earth | + | Fire | = | Lava |
Duck | + | Duckling | = | Family |
Mud | + | Steampunk Tree | = | Swamp |
Disaster | + | Sandstorm | = | Dust Bowl |
Lava | + | Typhoon | = | Volcano |
Earth | + | Family | = | Farm |
Plant | + | Swamp | = | Venus Flytrap |
Dust Bowl | + | Wind | = | Dust Storm |
Ocean | + | Ocean | = | Sea |
Dust | + | Volcano | = | Ash |
Farm | + | Plant | = | Food |
Fire | + | Steam | = | Engine |
Dust Storm | + | Venus Flytrap | = | Dust Trap |
Lava | + | Sea | = | Stone |
Ash | + | Dust | = | Cinder |
Earth | + | Tea | = | Teapot |
Engine | + | Food | = | Fuel |
Dust Trap | + | Venus Flytrap | = | Flypaper |
Cinder | + | Stone | = | Glass |
Swamp | + | Teapot | = | Witch |
Flypaper | + | Fuel | = | Glue |
Earth | + | Farm | = | Field |
Fire | + | Glass | = | Lens |
Smoke | + | Witch | = | Wizard |
Glue | + | Plant | = | Vine |
Field | + | Steam | = | Fog |
Lens | + | Swamp | = | Microscope |
Steam | + | Wizard | = | Cloud |
Fog | + | Vine | = | Wine |
Cloud | + | Microscope | = | Rain |
Steam | + | Stone | = | Geysir |
Water | + | Wine | = | Holy Water |
Geysir | + | Rain | = | Rainbow |
Holy Water | + | Wine | = | Catholic Church |
Catholic Church | + | Rainbow | = | Gay |
What can you make with Gay in Infinite Craft?
You can make a ton of new recipes related to sexuality and popular culture when you unlock Gay. These include terms like Pride and Straight and movies like Brokeback Mountain from 2005, which features Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal.
Ingredient One | Ingredient Two | Result | ||
Family | + | Gay | = | Pride |
Song | + | Gay | = | Karaoke |
Cupid | + | Gay | = | Straight |
Gay | + | Campfire | = | Camp |
Alien | + | Gay | = | Gaylien |
Best Man | + | Gay | = | Best Gay |
Bromance | + | Gay | = | Brokeback Mountain |
Island | + | Gay | = | Fire Island |
Creation | + | Gay | = | Adam |
You can experiment as much as you’d like, and if you’re missing any recipes, we recommend you check out our guide on all recipes in Infinite Craft.