On this page you can see How to make witch in Little Alchemy 2? with Guide, Hints, Cheats, Combinations and Walkthrough.
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In addition on this page you can Look How to make witch in Little Alchemy 2? Hints, Cheats and Guide
All Little Alchemy 2 Combinations, Guide, Hints, Cheats and Walkthrough
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How to make witch in Little Alchemy 2?
- broom + cauldron
- broom + human
- broom + legend
- broom + magic
- broom + story
- broom + wizard
- cauldron + legend
- cauldron + story
What can you make with witch in Little Alchemy 2?
Combine with | Create |
campfire | cauldron |
Curse | Necromancer |
energy | magic |
evil | Necromancer |
fireplace | cauldron |
glass | crystal ball |
metal | cauldron |
Monster | Baba Yaga |
snow globe | crystal ball |
steel | cauldron |
Walkthrough for witch in Little Alchemy 2
- water + water = puddle
- earth + water = mud
- earth + earth = land
- fire + fire = energy
- earth + fire = lava
- air + lava = stone
- puddle + water = pond
- earth + land = continent
- fire + stone = metal
- pond + water = lake
- continent + continent = planet
- mud + stone = clay
- air + planet = atmosphere
- lake + water = sea
- atmosphere + water = cloud
- earth + sea = primordial soup
- cloud + energy = lightning
- energy + primordial soup = life
- clay + life = human
- human + stone = tool
- human + lightning = hero
- clay + tool = pottery
- metal + pottery = cauldron
- hero + human = story
- cauldron + story = witch