How to play Dead Rails on Roblox

In Dead Rails, your goal is to board a drive a train through the zombie-infested desert to reach Mexico, where a cure has been discovered. If you’re new to the game, check out this beginner’s guide to better understand how to play Dead Rails on Roblox.

How to start Dead Rails on Roblox

Starting your run in Dead Rails.
Find and sell the gold. Screenshot by Dot Esports

After loading the Roblox experience, head to the platform in front of you to start a run. You won’t be able to choose a class or buy anything in the starting area without Bonds (which you can’t get yet unless you’re planning on buying them with Robux from the Bank).

When you first enter a run, you will spawn in a Safe Zone with a train and a gold bar placed in front of the selling table. A yellow arrow will indicate the location of the gold bar, along with the text “Drag the gold bar to the table to sell (0/1).” Selling the gold bar will give you $50, after which you are instructed to purchase coal at the General Store for $20.

There are also newspapers that you can find outside the General Store—these can be used as fuel or as a barricade, and you need to equip your Sack (hotbar number 1) and press F while hovering over a newspaper to store it inside. This is the same to store any item in the game.

Buying a gun in Dead Rails.
I’d advise on the gun. Screenshot by Dot Esports

You will have started your run with $20 and got $50 more from the Gold, so you should have $70 in total. You can now either buy three coal for $20 each from the General Store, or you can buy one coal, a revolver, and an extra round of ammo (the latter two are available from the Gunsmith to the left of the General Store).

Pro tip: Wait until nightfall in the first Safe Zone because zombies and werewolves will literally drop dead the second they spawn there. I managed to fill my train’s fuel tank with the corpses after three nights and it was worth waiting around to do that. You could just wait one night for two or three werewolf/zombie corpses, though.

Everything you need to know about Dead Rails on Roblox

What are Safe Zones used for?

Safe Zones serve as rest areas where zombies and other threats cannot enter.

They are crucial for resupplying, selling loot, and preparing for the next part of your journey. Safe Zones always have a store where you can buy coal, ammo, and other essentials. It’s recommended to reach a Safe Zone before nightfall to avoid unnecessary dangers. Surviving the night out in the desert wilds is difficult, and you’ll find yourself dying early if you don’t have the right protections in place.

How to defend your train

Defending yourself and your train is crucial. Newspapers, instead of being used as fuel, can be placed upright to build a door at the train’s entrance with a small gap to block enemies. A more advanced setup could use newspapers for a solid barricade, sheet metals to cover windows, and barbed wire for additional defense.

How to fight and loot

Snake Oil in Dead Rails.
Get your Snake Oil! Screenshot by Dot Esports

If you purchase a gun, your best source of income is fighting outlaws. Killing an outlaw and delivering them to the Sheriff’s Office grants $35 per outlaw. Outlaw camps contain valuable items and weapons, making them worth the risk.

Sheriff’s Offices and Gunsmiths are excellent places to find weapons and ammo, while Doctor’s Offices provide bandages and snake oil for healing or selling. To efficiently fight outlaws, having around 30 revolver rounds should be enough to take down a small group.

You must equip your weapons rod from your hotbar to use them, and then just left-click your mouse to fire a gun or hit an enemy with a blunt weapon.

How to survive the night

If you find yourself stranded at night, hiding in an empty house and barricading it with newspapers, sheet metal, and other large items is the safest approach. This ensures that zombies and other creatures cannot easily get to you.

What to do in towns

Full fuel in Dead Rails.
Choo-choo! Screenshot by Dot Esports

Towns are guaranteed to spawn between Safe Zones within the 0-10 km mark. The first town is often too dangerous, but later towns provide valuable loot. Banks contain gold and silver bars, as well as bonds. Killing the banker zombie gives you a vault code so you can get even better rewards.

Churches always have at least one crucifix or holy water, which can be sold for extra cash. Furniture stores provide fuel, while mines contain coal, the best fuel in the game.

How to raid towns

For a successful raid, it is recommended to have a rifle with at least 40 rounds. Small and medium towns are manageable, but large towns pose a much greater threat. A useful strategy is to lure zombies away using a horse before raiding, but caution is needed, as the banker zombie might be among them.

How to get a horse

A black horse in Dead Rails.
Giddy up! Screenshot by Dot Esports

Horses are a valuable asset in Dead Rails, allowing for faster travel and a tactical advantage when fighting zombies or outlaws. They can be found in barns or tamed in the wild by killing the outlaw riding them and then hopping on. You can also store them in your Sack, which I find extremely weird. Saddled horses allow for greater mobility and can help escape danger more efficiently. Horses also provide an effective means of luring zombies away from key locations before raiding.

Important Checkpoints in Dead Rails on Roblox

A town in Dead Rails.
A town. Screenshot by Dot Esports

As well as hitting various towns, there are four raidable buildings you should be aware of in Dead Rails.

Fort Constitution (20-30 km/50-60 km)

To prepare for this area, you should have a rifle with at least 90 rounds and snake oil for healing. Inside, you will face soldier zombies and Captain Prescott, who has a bounty worth $150. The fort contains powerful weapons, healing items, and six Bonds.

Tesla Lab (20-30 km/50-60 km)

In the Tesla Lab, you will encounter scientist zombies, which behave similarly to regular zombies. The raid requires assembling Nikola Tesla’s body using werewolf parts, triggering stormy weather upon activation. The main loot includes Bonds and the Electrocutioner weapon, which can only be reloaded during storms.

Castle (40 km)

The Castle is located close to the Safe Zone at 40 km. It contains large numbers of werewolves and vampires. Players complete the castle raid to obtain the vampire knife. The vampire knife has a special ability that allows it to heal a certain amount of health per landed hit, but it doesn’t defend against everything in the castle, so be prepared with a large stock of snake oils. Try using molotovs to clear the area faster.

70 km Checkpoint

A good way to survive the 80 km checkpoint is to prep at the 70 km checkpoint. Fortify your train with barbed wire, sheet metal, and a turret, fill your fuel reserves, and leave around 10pm to arrive at the next checkpoint in the morning instead of defending at night.

80 km Checkpoint

The outlaws and faster zombies in this area are relatively easy to defeat, so it’s mostly about how well you’ve prepared. If you lack supplies, you can loot the houses in the outlaw base to find extra ammunition and weapons. Alternatively, you can hide on the bridge (though they may patch this in the future).

How to Get Bonds in Dead Rails on Roblox

Buying Bonds in Dead Rails.
I’m not doing it. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Bonds are an essential currency in Dead Rails, enabling players to purchase valuable items, gear, and unlock classes. Here’s a breakdown of how to obtain Bonds during your journey:

1) Complete a Run

Successfully completing a run will earn you 10 Bonds. This reward encourages you to make it through the raids and objectives while preparing for tougher challenges.

2) Complete Challenges

Throughout your run, you can complete challenges listed on the Challenge Board to earn additional Bonds. Depending on the difficulty of the challenge, you can earn up to 30 Bonds per task.

3) Loot towns and buildings

Bonds are often hidden in major buildings like Banks, Sheriff’s Offices, and Doctor’s Stores. The more populated the area (especially large towns or cities), the higher the chances of finding multiple Bonds. Some specific loot spots include:

4) Raid the Castle

The Castle, located at around the 40 km mark, is packed with loot, including up to 15 Bonds per run. Clearing out the dangerous Werewolves and Vampires will reward you with substantial loot, so it’s worth the challenge if you’re up for it.

5) Explore

While Bonds are rarer in other buildings outside the major locations, they can still appear as random drops. Keep an eye out as you explore the map, especially in places like Outlaw bases and smaller towns.

6) Use Robux

In the Lobby, there’s a Bank where you can buy Bonds using Robux. The prices vary depending on how many Bonds you want:

  • 5 Bonds = 49 Robux
  • 10 Bonds = 79 Robux
  • 20 Bonds = 129 Robux
  • 50 Bonds = 199 Robux

Best Classes for beginners in Dead Rails on Roblox

Picking a class in Dead Rails.
Yee… Haw…? Screenshot by Dot Esports

Starting out in Dead Rails can be a daunting experience, especially if you’re playing solo. While team play is generally recommended, some classes are better suited for solo players, offering a more manageable start. Once you have Bonds and can select a class, here are some of the best classes for beginners:


The Arsonist is great for quickly clearing areas. This class is most effective in small towns where you can use molotovs to clear zombies efficiently. Paired with a horse, you can ride around the town, leading zombies into clusters before tossing a molotov to take them out.


The Cowboy class is a great option for early-game players. Armed with a revolver, two ammo boxes, and a horse, you’ll have the necessary tools to survive the night and deal with threats. Having a horse is crucial for evading enemies, especially during Blood Moon nights in mid and late-game.


The Doctor class is ideal if you prioritize health and speed. This class is perfect for looting quickly and escaping raids when things get tough. With healing abilities and faster movement, the Doctor can ensure that you stay alive longer while gathering valuable loot. This is a great class to learn if you want to group up with other players later.

High Roller

If you want a solid cash boost right from the start, the High Roller class is the way to go. You’ll start with more currency, which can be used to buy gear and supplies before your first raid. This class is a option for players who want a smoother start to their run.

Once you get the hang of the game, consider joining a squad through the Dead Rails Discord server for a more team-oriented experience. While solo play is possible, having a group can help you clear tougher challenges and unlock more rewards.

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Cheats Little Alchemy