How to start and complete Trial of Style in World of Warcraft

Trial of Style arena in World of Warcraft with giant statues.

Screenshot by Dot Esports

Only the best dressed can win this fierce competition. Here’s everything you need to win Trial of Style in World of Warcraft.

The Trial of Style is a mini-holiday event in World of Warcraft that’s worth taking part in if you’re a fan of transmog and collecting beautiful armor.

In the the event, six players are pitted against each other in a transmog competition, with a specific prompt and two minutes to build an outfit that matches the theme. The group then votes on the best outfit, with the top three winning prizes on stage.

If you have a vast transmog collection, this is the perfect opportunity to strut your stuff. Whether you’re looking to learn about the possible rewards, themes, or where to start, this is what you need to know about the Trial of Style in The War Within.

How to join the Trial of Style in The War Within

Transmog NPC in World of Warcraft.
The transmog NPC at the Trading Post can take you to the event. Screenshot by Dot Esports

To join the Trial of Style in TWW, you must speak with a transmogrifier. This vendor can alter the appearance of your equipped armor and is a fitting NPC to start this fashion competition.

Transmogrifiers are commonly found in most major cities, including Stormwind, Dalaran, Orgrimmar, and Dornogal. You can speak to the transmogrifier at the Trading Post to queue up for the Trial of Style while picking up your rewards for the month.

Transmog NPC Trial of Style quest dialogue in World of Warcraft.
Just find a transmogrifier NPC to jump into the Trial of Style. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Once you locate a Warpweaver, the transmog vendor, you will notice a third dialog option that only appears whenever the Trial of Style event is active. Select the option that says: “I want to participate in the Trial of Style!” and you will be placed in a queue to wait for five fellow competitors.

This is a fairly popular mini-event, so you won’t have to wait long until your queue pops, depending on your server and the time of day.

How to win the Trial of Style event

Transmog theme in Trial of Style World of Warcraft displayed on stage.
You’ll be able to see the theme in front of the stage or in the chat. Screenshot by Dot Esports

When you join the event, you will be presented with a general theme to work with. The theme will appear in large letters across your screen, so you won’t need to worry about missing it.

Lots of themes are in the rotation for the Trial of Style, and each lobby is completely randomized. Below are just some of the themes that you might encounter:

  • Summer Styles
  • Winter Wear
  • Freestyle
  • Faction Pride
  • Fun and Flirty
  • Blue Skies
  • Crimson Creations
  • Bronze Clockwork
  • Gothic Gala
  • Going Green
  • Black Magic
  • Winter Wear

Every time the Trial of Style event appears, new themes are added to the rotation while others are retired.

The format of the Trial of Style is simple. Two players will be selected to get on stage. Once on stage, players can use emotes to show their outfit. The remaining four players in the lobby will vote on their favorite of the two. This process will continue until first, second, and third-place winners are selected.

Due to the subjective nature of fashion, there is no guaranteed way to win the Trial of Style. Don’t be too discouraged if you don’t win your first foray into the fashion world, as it depends on the crowd. Try to look for fun weapons, enchantments, and accessories that offer a unique spin on the piece.

The first-place winner will be rewarded with the Stylish! buff and Trial of Style tokens that can be used with eligible vendors.

Admirer in Trial of Style stage watching the World of Warcraft contest.
Admirers can be seen in the audience during the event. Screenshot by Dot Esports

You can spend Trial of Style Tokens to add visual effects and spice up your look in Trial of Style. This doesn’t impact your actual attire, but for certain voters, it could be the decision-maker. These include:

  • Trial of Style Spotlight, for 50 Tokens
  • Trial of Style Flames, for 50 Tokens
  • Trial of Style Dance Floor, for 100 Tokens

You can also use 100 Trial of Style Tokens to unlock a Secret Admirer. Admirers are NPCs that show up to your Trial of Style lobbies and act as a personal hype man. You can purchase these from the Warpweavers by the transmog vendors.

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