You can capture and tame several animals in Once Human, using them to help you in combat or bringing them back to your base to take advantage of their helpful resources. Occasionally, you’ll find the best type of creature, a Grade S animal.
Each creature is given a tier when you catch it. The best of those animals is the S-tier, and these are the absolute best animals. Tracking them down can be challenging, and there are some important aspects of S-tier animals you want to keep in mind when attempting to tame them in Once Human.
Where to find Grade S animals in Once Human

Finding Grade S animals entirely comes down to chance and repeatedly catching these animals in Once Human. Unfortunately for gamers, the chances of encountering a Grade S creature come down to getting a good roll, similar to trying to track down a powerful Pokémon with the stats you want. You’ll want plenty of tranquilizers with you, as each one allows you to capture a creature and add it to your inventory. While they’re in your inventory, you can see whether the animal is a Grade S.
If you don’t like a particular animal you’ve caught, removing them from your inventory is all you must do before finding another one. You can carry as many as you need in Once Human, but only six pets are tamed back at your base. You don’t want to have too many because they’re heavy.
If you don’t have a Grade S animal yet, bringing back the best one you can find to set up a cage for them is not a bad idea. Swapping them out for each other is just as quick when you get a better one. By setting up a small enclosure for them already, they should be ready to go. Plus, it helps to prepare for their arrival, such as gathering up Sage.
Outside of knowing where to go to tame animals, you can’t do much to influence their stats. It might take a good amount of effort before you have a small army of Grade S animals that you’ve tamed in Once Human, but these are worthwhile creatures.
What makes Grade S animals good is they have access to more traits. As you care for a tamed animal at your base, they slowly unlock additional characteristics that give you passive bonuses. A Grade S animal has access to the most characterizations, four slots, which is a great benefit to have while wandering around in Once Human.